Anyone ever thought of doing a time lapse video of a map build? I think this would be an interesting thing to watch. A sped up video of a great map being built. It shouldn't need too much editing. Other then maybe some theater work. It would be like the time lapse photoshop videos.
It would be cool, but a real pain in the ass to make, especially if you do a lot of saving/quitting. It would be awesome to see from start to finish, though.
That's what makes me think we would have to be done by someone with a capture card. So this way they just speed up the video. Because it would be a pain in the butt to record all of the files from saving and quitting.
Yeah, but if you had to float a lot of objects on the map, it would get pretty boring to watch them save and quit, and/or to start new rounds for interlocking. I think it would only be interesting if there was no interlocking/floating. It would be pretty cool from third person if you got someone else to film, but if you had to save and quit or start new rounds the filmer would lose his position, but who's to say really? Go for it, I could be totally wrong.
Well with it being sped up, I don't think the save and quits would really be all that noticeable. And that is a good idea to use someone else as a filmer.
I think it would be doable, just really annoying. Only way I can think of to do this is to save every film clip of construction and later edit them together, cutting out the segments where you start new rounds and save/quit. Then in Theater watch and capture every clip from the same spot on the map so it all meshes together.
blood fire already did it.... keep watching it starts slightly later into the video.... anyways, id like it...