Hello Halo players. My existence is a conspiracy and not many of you will understand that. But yes, I'm 21, a college graduate and I play Halo on occasion. I also enjoy Burnout Paradise and Star Wars The Force Unleashed. Otherwise I'm an expert Lego model builder as a hobby, and tinker often with Lego Digital Designer, if you don't have it, pick it up off of Lego.com for free. I'm a Star Wars nerd and yes I own an '07 WRX. It's black and I only love my daughter and wife more than it. and anything else you'll have to ask.
Welcome!! I am so glad to see you have decided to join! Please read the Rules and check out the forging guide to see how you can fit in and have a more enjoyable experience! Thank you for joining!!! =p -Th Kn1ght
you haz sexy avatar .... :lol: no it is Black, with Black rims, and 5% tinted Windows. lol, so like all black except for the chrome dish around the rims.
perks of being a GIS analyst. Don't have money now, but i did when I bought the car. and 5% tint means only 5% of the light from the outside of the car reaches the inside of it.
Welcome to FH, make sure you read the rules very carefully and make sure you understand them as well. BTW AVoid me muahah lol