I'm SOOOOOOO effing excited!!!!! Tonight at the LA convention center anyone on here happen to be going? It's going to be sooo kick a55! yay!!!!!! XDDDDDD i wanna get so messed up <img src="http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s247/cmr_015/th24m6c2b.jpg"> (sorry for the stupid numbers, we cant cuss on here so im following the rules :])
MAIDEEEEEEEEEEEeeN!!!!!!!!!!! I saw them a long time ago with Anthrax as the opener, and they ruled. You'll have to report back and let us know if Bruce can still hit those high notes...
YEA I'm going! I just need a plane ticket and that plane must get me there in one minute and I need to borrow your ticket!
a few of my friends went, INGLEWOOD... lol... they're gonna get shot... woulda gone, but i have 2 tests tomorrow and ive yet to read the chapters
Very Jealous!!!! MAIDEN RULES. CHECK THIS DUDE OUT: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1WKYmx4i1Q[/youtube]
UP THE IRONS, BABY! I went to a show in Sydney on the 11th of Feb. It was ****ing sweet. Great songs, great metal (shitty support acts).
good to see more metal fans on this board, majority of all these pussies listen to that ****** ass linkin park type ****
RUN TO THE HILLSSSS....RUN FOR YOUR LIVESSSS Iron Maiden is awesome. I hope you had fun, I envoy you.
OMG, the guy who was farting The Trooper was frakkin hilarious! Just think about all the weed that dude had to smoke to even think about doing that...
Old Skool metal is the awesomez, It was the only thing I listened to when I played GTA Vice City, That game would've failed without metal.
i know lol, look him up on youtube, he calls himself "the manualist" he handfarts like every song in existence, its great
OOOOMG guys, you have no idea how awesome that was. ground breaking for me! my first real concert and Maiden pop the cherry, and it felt sooooo good!! oh and yeah it was inglewood...never been till now. can you say GETTOH! seriously, like...i was affraid to get shot. it was really crappy.. :/ like even the dentists had bars on their window's, makes you wonder what goes on in there Anyway i got some video of maiden, not great, not even good. but its video and thats all that matters to me cause that sh** was sick!!!!!! soooo fun XDD and im thinking of going in may too cause i hear that's going to be some dope a** sh**. anyways it was so f****** cool, Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner!! and fcuking powerslave b*tch!!!! number of the beast, ogm omg it was just all so awesome. bruce dickinson was way cool. i would love to meet those guys for f***ing reals ;DD
I went to see em last night, it was sooo f***** awesome! They brought back RHYME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER and POWERSLAAAAAAVE!!! They had this humongous Eddie robot walking on stage, but they killed it when they put a giant LAKERS shirt on him....even Bruce Dickinson thougt the idea of wearing a sports shirt was stupid haha. all in all, it was an awesome concert, i plan to go again march or may or whenever the hell they announced the new dates.