$700 Billion Bailout LAW - YOU WERE ROBBED

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Are we headed for an economic depression? Probably. Here are the FACTS on the market's reaction to the bill's progress; the mainstream media is (again) lying to you. Facts, figures and charts galore.

    Oh, and what you must do next.

    This video needs to be seen by everyone in America. Yes, I know, its 10 minutes. But its 10 minutes that anyone with a 401k, Pension or IRA should be willing to spend. Send it around, then keep checking at http://fedupusa.org and http://supportedthebailout.org for updates.

  2. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    completely ridiculous. why wouldn't have i been born in a different time period D; this is our future, these men's mistakes, we have to deal with them! ugh just watching that video made me so made. i dont give two shits about politics, but i know when i should......and right now i do.
  3. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Get angry, people need to get angry.
    With emotion involved that's when you can try to change something. People are just blind to what they don't want to see.

    The masses are stupid...
  4. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    and THAT was in the 70's

    its only gotten worse.
    your absolutely right reyn, you've got to get MAD.
  5. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    And yet, here we are...

    I absolutely ****ing hate the notion that people are just stupid ****ing sheep being herded by the media and the shiny new toy that's just come out trying to shut you up. Making you entertained so you don't learn more just sit there, melting your ****ing brain.

    People are getting stupider. People ARE stupider. The population of the world is massive and unsustainable. We keep shoving out more dumb ****ing people and the world gets worse and worse and who the **** gets to pick up the pieces?! You and me.

    Will there even be pieces to pick up?... I can't stand knowing the things I know and watching everyone else walk around me not knowing any of it. Not caring that the world is crumbling.

    ... ****
  6. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    DocMan likes this.
  7. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    To answer your second question no there won't be much if ANY pieces to pick up. I stopped caring what the government does about the economy a bit ago, were only delaying an inevitable great depression. (Which will hopefully starve some stupid people to death). I agree people ARE getting stupider I see a depressing dreary world of mindless sheep who are always optimistic and never see the truth. Which is that the world is currently failing massively right now and that nobody's leading the way. The government will continue this crap for as long as they can get away with it. Which as long as theres a new ipod or a new computer or some rehashed TV show on than the american people will do nothing thus allowing the government to follow there own agendas. I watch the world crumble and don't care about it anymore because the sad truth is theres nothing I can do to stop it.
  8. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    The bailout sucks for the average American, yes, I cannot deny that. We will all be feeling the impact of it for the next ten years at least. Part of me just wished it didn't happen, and that the motherfuckers on Wall would just wallow in their pain of now being totally ****ED. However, without the bailout, our economy would collapse, and an event worse than the great depression would occur. The credit industry would completely disappear within the next fifteen years, and then nobody would be able to buy cars, houses, get loans, start businesses, et cetera except for the few privileged who remain, and even they wouldn't last long with the state the economy would be in. If America's economy crashed, then the world's would as well. China is now holding their own and exporting a massive amount of goods and services, but without us, the world economy would collapse, not just ours.

    Bottom line, the bailout undoubtedly sucks for us average joes, but in ten to twenty years, America and its economy will still be here. So it is worth it, just not at the present time. You have to look at the future as well as the present and weigh the odds.
  9. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Uh please present where down the line this will help us? Giving other country's our money seems like a BAD idea to me. Besides as I already said "I see sheep who are optimistic about everything and refuse to see the truth"......Not providing any evidence to support your claim really does make you start to look like your falling into the aforementioned category. Also how will this help the credit company's? maybe the fact that im like probably 10 years younger than you has something to do with it but im certainly not seeing the point here.
  10. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    although those are good points, i think what we're really upset about is why all of this should have happened in the first place. whether this will be good or not, only time will tell. but either way its bad. then again, who are we. we cant change what people have done in the past that lead us here, and how the world turned out. all we can do is hope for the best. and try our hardest. we've got to focus on the future and make it not so ****ed up as it will end up being.

    on the other hand, i wanna say thats just the way the world is, it is inevitable.....so why bother. just do what you can to make yourself, loved ones happy while you can. cause what can we do? we're just a bunch of kids :/

    idk why im all ranty and emotional about things today. female hormones, bleh..
  11. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Did you even read my post? I said in about ten to twenty years. Even tomorrow. Because money is in the system again, production, stocks, investments in other countries, and everything else can continue. We don't give people money, man. Where did you learn about economics, seriously? We create and export, bringing money IN to our country, as well as importing services and items, thus fueling the world economy. Think that xbox you play or the computer you're using is built in America? Evidence is that the stock market stopped dropping 700 points per day, and is now only dropping 500. Soon it will be even lower, and then it will steadily begin to rise again. Eventually we will be out of recession. It will take a damn while, but it will happen.

    I am no sheep, and frankly I don't appreciate someone who is probably a fraction of my age and experience calling me such. I see the truth. The truth is this, as I stated before: The bailout undoubtedly sucks, and will continue to suck for quite a while, draining us of our money through taxes that we should use for something worthwhile. However, the bailout IS worthwhile. We must make sacrifices for the good of our country. I hate the fact that I'll be losing about $2700 dollars over the next few years that would have gone to house payments, car payments, and other things that I need in my life. But I'll be glad that I'll still be able to do those things in the years to come.

    Not inevitable. We can change the path of the world, it will just take a monumental effort and lots of time. I'm mad that the "fat cats" on Wall got themselves into this situation. The meltdown shouldn't have happened; it did because people became too generous and spent frivolously. I wish I could punch every one of them in the face and say "take it; now you know how it feels to be poor," but alas, I cannot.

    Yes, we do need to look forward and see what we can do and what we can change. Many of you are still young, and can't do much right now, but in time you will be able to, and that's when you should act. I know what I can do, and what you all should do when you are old enough: vote, petition, and be active in politics and world happenings. Make sure you are well informed, and know what is right and what is wrong. And don't forget that deficit spending is bad!
  12. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Yeah the world sucks. People are blind if they don't see that, but guess what Reyn; people are blind. Suck it up. We either get ****ed over and know it or ****ed over and don't know it. Do something about it. Get in a position where you can change things, and then do something about all the **** that goes on.

    If you don't, lighten up. Geeze.
  13. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Thing is, people are happy with monotony and simple distractions. Many times we fail to see the big picture. I, too, am a victim of this. We just have to open our eyes, stop bitching, and see what we can do about it. And there is always a solution, even if it is not readily apparent.
  14. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Ok I think I see where your going with this.....And of course we build EVERYTHING in america walmart is a perfect example of this!/end sarcasm
    Oh duh I feel stupid now than again your brain doesn't function properly at 4:16 AM. Whats one of the rules of economics? (if I remember correctly) if nobody has your currency nobodys going to use it! So I guess in a sense this was sort of helpful......*feels ashamed of self for forgetting said rule*
    But yes sadly were gonna be paying this one off for YEARS. Also why is this a LAW and not a BILL? it would technically be a BILL unless...........oh wait you don't mean were going to do this AGAIN when the time comes are we?
  15. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I know, I know, I just always see so many people going on about how ****ed up everything is, not just about this bailout law, about so much ****. You know what most of them do?
    They tell people to open their eyes, then they bugger off. They never do anything about it.
    People need to get out there and do something!
  16. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Yeah...WalMart is pretty much the devil's cover on Earth. Don't worry about it, we all forget things. It's pretty much gonna be about $2700 per man woman and child in the whole of the United States, including major territories like Puerto Rico.

    Remember that this video you showed is from a skewed perspective: one man and the people who think like him. It's really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

    It's broken down into a few stages, and bill/law really aren't the right terms to use to describe it. Here's a quick rundown: Bailout Plan,Economy,Economic Bailout,Impact on Homeowners,700 billion bailout plan There are some good things for us "average" Americans as well in there.

    Hear hear!

    UPDATE: Apparently, someone thought like me and DID punch one of the CEO's in the face! http://consumerist.com/5060063/lehman-brothers-ceo-got-punched-in-the-face
    #16 DocMan, Oct 8, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008

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