Cool.. you didnt really have too, just thought it woulda been cool before you start talking about gameplay. BTW, i lvl'd your little Pokemon thingy for u, your welcome. (I think) =P
Now that you've actually taken the time to embedd a couple of images I'm gonna check your map out. Expect an actual review later today. Peace // gorebound
Looks very clean and cool. Qued it right when I saw haha. Looks kinda like a jungle jim with all the things floating haha :squirrel_giggle:
Wurd.. You wont be disappointed man, alot of work went into this map. Looking forward to hearing what you thought about it. LoL.. havent heard that 1 yet, guess it does kinda have a jungle gym-iness about it. Hope you like it. Lemme know what you thought. TY both.. **Sweet! Just noticed I made it to the Bungie Sticky 'Community Favourites'** - Best Gameplay Map-
dont worry deepmonkey paw nemihara always says the opposite of what i say or at least always tries to make me look stupid, he does that to my maps too saying they're not worth a download and things like that for some reason hes just a real negative guy around here. As for your map I didn't so much like how it was hard to get a feel for a place. I felt kinda clausterfobic or something idk. Other than that it was pretty good, clean lines, and good effort.
Yah I think I know what you mean when you say you couldnt really get comfortable in one spot. But that is actually good in my eyes cuz thaz how we wanted it to be, a hectic fight for control of the central tower. Didnt want the center tower to be too overpowered tho, hence the regenerator in every base. If its camping you want then this is definately not the map for you, but if want nonstop action... look no further.
I'm not looking for camping lol it's just a little TOO chaotic, it feels like a quick death map to me, I dont really see the oportunity to actually go on any sprees and what-not but other than that like i said i like the map.
Ok.. Maybe camping is a bit out of context. I know what you mean tho, like you want a little area to 'post up and control' tactically. I will agree there arent many places you can do that on this map. Maybe a little bit in each base. You can definately get sprees from the top-level of the tower but whatever. I dont want to come off as argumentative, I appreciate input and I thank you for taking the time to comment on my map. Everything I hear about my maps (good and bad) only makes my next creation that much better.
This. Looks. Amazing. I am going to download ASAP, which is in 15 seconds! Great pics!! :squirrel_chatting: :squirrel_jaffa:
I think the map looks great, but I suggest putting the DL link in bold at the top, I had to look through your post for a little while before I found it.
KK.. thanks for the DL's guys, I'll go back and make the Link stand out a bit more. Come back and tell me what you think of the map if you ever get a chance.
I downloaded this map and played it. I want to advise all those thinking exactly what I thought, that it was great based on the screens. Really when you play the map doesn't play like you would expect. It honestly doesn't live up to the screens, the gameplay doesn't seem fun or right. - Brute Captain
Sorry you didnt like it man.. cant please everyone you know. Thanks for trying it out. Everyone that I have played it with has enjoyed it. What exactly didnt you like? What gametypes did you play? What suggestions do you have? I am interested in all feedback.. I take pride in my creations and want future maps to be better and better.
Exactum Ventruvis. I DL'd. I tested. I tried to respond, but ForgeHub went bonkers. It's not exactly bad, in a sense that it's well made. It's just gameplay-wise, this thing is a vacuum. I can't really find a way to improve this unless you redesigned the whole map. The main design flaw, I find, is the main tower. There has to be a better way to make one. I'm glad that you're taking advice and criticism in so openly, instead of sending me angry PMs saying that I suck. So, I hope you can do better with a different map.
LoL.. its all good man. Some people like it, some dont. I totally agree that gameplay is lacking in some gametypes. Team slayer for instance was kinda disappointing to me, but KotH, Territories, and FFA slayer were really fun to me. I guess its just individual ideals. Not to mention this map was initially designed for 4-flag CTF before I actually realized that it didnt exist in the custom games. Thanks for trying it out though. I have a few ideas for my next map, will be as clean as this one but will make sure to make gameplay way better.
The map looks complex, but in a good way. however when you post a map wrong people in this site will post a somewhat negative comments, and from there people will read that comment and post one very similar and it will create a bad post snowball effect, thats just lack of creativity on their part. Anyone that wants to download it will see the comments, you don't have to copy and paste them here. Ill check the map out, but just make sure you post correctly the first time to keep these hyenas at bay...