Ok well this post is purely out of curiosity. (sp) I heard about sketchup in the forgehub discussion, so i downloaded it, having no idea how it worked. Its been 2 days now, and i havnt used a single tutorial, and only made 3 things. I was messing around, trying to make places that could be used as maps for halo 3, because i thought it would look interesting, then i tried to make a house, then back to a halo 3 map. Bear in mind that i have had 3 goes. The first go i didnt know you could use measurements, the second 2 everything is the right measurements, and all of the interiors work. I have used a staircase and balconies on the second, but kept it simple on the third. Dont hesitate to be critical, but bear in mind iv had like 2 hours go with no help, and i have discovered how to do it by myself. First map: Second Map: (house) Third Map: Please post your views on these, or tips on how to improve. Dont hesitate to be critical. I am looking for a job in architecture, im 16, and going to college in september.
nice. you know, you guys can actually make these things into playable maps in Jedi Academy. it seems to be a similar program, called GTK Radient, that makes maps. might be a cool thing to look into.
Sketchup is a very finnicky program. I'm a drafter by trade and I must say that for just getting started these look really good! You should consider a career in architecture. Or level design.
Thanks for both of the replies Ill take a look into this programme. And ill also have another go tomorrow, or maybe later on tonight. If i make something to my liking ill post it here, and see what you guys think.
Did this in an hour with no help also! I visited your topic and saw Sketchup, I downloaded it and experimented for about 5 minutes, then got to work and finished a map I had in mind.
Yup, I am in a project doing Foundry, to plan maps. I'm glad people are seeing my thread/ site and using it! I am looking forward to see what you guys can do with our models. These already look great! EDIT: Lol, much better than me at my first go....
Those are pretty good for only a few hours work, if you wanted you could also incorporate those into Google earth, just on a side note. Great work though, keep at it and if you feel like doing this would be a good hobby, or possible job try some trials of Maya or 3DS Max, they let you do alot more, from buildings to people, and even full maps.
I had Sketchup on my old computer, but that one died. Now I am on my laptop and installing Sketchup now. I don't have a mouse, so I might suck.
You use a mouse like 10% of the time, its always typing measurements, Its really easy to use. Its just i seem limited to doing straight lines 95% of the time curves seem hard to pull off.
well still, i was working hard last night for a half hour and hardly got the ground of the thing done :squirrel_sad:
I don't know how to make curves... How do you do measurements? I just used straight lines for everything I made above. I also had a hard time when I made a rectangle, not using the rectangle tool, making an actual rectangle, then making ti 3D, all of the sides would be solid and then there would be a side with nothing, kind of like the top of a shoe box. (take off the lid, just using the rectangular prism) How do I make it so I can make a full box? I also had trouble with just...when I did something to one of my boxes/walls the same thing happend, like one of the faces disapeared and I had to figit with it to get a full box/wall.
I'm starting to think there should be an easier Tutorial somebody should put because everybody is starting to ask questions.
[img width=800 height=593]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v15/BFU22/desk.jpg[/img] making my desk, not to scale thou =p
God dammit! Every time I try to start up Sketchup I use it once and then I have to re-install it because it always freezes up! :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_nono:
There is no full box... everything is hollow. It is not nessecary to make a full box, but it is technichally "full" if it is completly closed (No open top/ opening) Did the face dissapear, or was the camera in it? Sometimes faces go transparent in order for the camera to work.... Curves: Use the half circle line tool.... Measurments: Just click on the straight line, and start typing in the measurments (use " and ' instead of inches and feet.) It automatically goes in the bottom right... Slanted Objects: Make a box, draw the slant you want on the side, and then push/pull it back to the other side. It should automatically dissapear, but you can just earase it if it doesnt... Sphere (if anyone need to know): Make a circle (circle tool), copy it, and rotate the copy vertically (so it is above the other one). Now, click on the Follow-me tool, and select the top circle and use the tool against the bottom line.... I will prbly make a help thread... That looks great, FBU! And PerfectdarkL33t, that happens sometime. Just keep trying, it usually works after a reboot....