Skeleton Creek v2Discription-An old creek used by early spartans to hone their skills. Its finally here i present to you Skeleton Creek v2.I made v1 about 3 weeks ago and it is time for v2. This map is great for 6v6,but u can do 8v8 and still get the full experience.This map is also good with any type of slayer,I recommend using battle rifles and snipers.I have gotten great reviews from friends and they love it.Here is a tour tour of map made by Corey0x0 and DoCtA cLuCh34 enjoy! HERE ARE SOME PICS V action shots download v2 here download v1 here Thank you and happy forging
wow, cute map. love the bridge that goes over the creek. random truck? whatever. im gonna go ahead and download this, looks good from what i can see. great job by the way. 4/5
very nice job, there are alot of creek type maps but never before have i seen the full layou of around the creek made, you forged a nice map. although i havent seen v1 I can't really tell you how you've improoved, but i'm guessing thatits a huge change aside from v1 Overall Rating: 8/10 "Keep Forging."
Whoa you have much better pics up this time I can actually see what the map looks like. Good Job on the post For the map Im glad you made a v2, I can see it looks much cleaner, and from the looks of it, it looks like a different map but that could be because of the pics Good Job great interlocking, and gameplay should be very fun and excellent on this map
I Helped Make it and am making Youtube Video of it. Butr he didnt send me an invite to test, Wat up with that corey??????????? And you spelled my name Wrong. Its DoCtA cLuTcH34!!!
I like this map because of the interlocking and the river kind of thing. However the geomerging isn't great. I only saw one pic of geomerging and it wasn't that great. But the interlocking is really good. I also noticed the basement area wasn't interlocking good. Overall 4/5
Whoa, guess what. This is really good. Thats what. It's a nice aesthenic map, the river is overused but I really like yours. Ine problem might be falling into the river. How do you get back up
On the Creek is the interlocking supposed to be off with the other pieces?Theres one spot It wont affect gameplay.Very cool map, original 4/5
I love the map, great desing and fun looking but its kinda sloppy. neaten it up (especialy the outer wall) and add some more aethstetics. the map could use alot of work
One question: What happens when you fall into the creek? JK Nice map, from what I can tell. My only criticism is the fact that you didn't provide enough screenshots. 3.5/5
yea i wantd alot more but i barely got the ones i have because my computer was being stupid but thanks for comment
YES, I am sooo glad you mad3 a V2! This looks a million times better, I just love your layout. This map stands out among other creek maps because of your stellar interlocking and your amazing creativity. Your post is very attractive and readable. I like the new pictures as well =D. AWESOME MAP, make more... 5/5
this map looks pretty good i think u should take oversheild away and take away the truck and put like a little obstacle thing but the oversheild in traing ground? overall 5/5 ill have to dl
thank you for comments keep them coming, please rate this on it would help me alot ps really look at my signiture...once u get what it is ,thats y i named it ..i no... lol
this map looks very unique. im gonna download it because i like the creek idea and the interlocking and geomerging look like they are done very well but there is a part that looks sloppy. the place where its a single box open interlocked with a bridge i think that could get cleaned up because that could be a possible exploit.
When I first saw this map I was like "whoa!! Dude!!!" The map looks nicely built and the tunnels look awesome. I'd say team slayer would be great on this map and so would CTF. 5/5 +rep for you. Oh, And also, In the 2nd picture of the map, The geo-merging is'nt straight.