Quarry Created by Sgt Hamburger [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer Team Slayer All CTF variants Oddball KotH Juggernaut Territories Infection [br] Map Description Quarry is an asymmetrical map that is heavily influenced by attack and defend game-types. One team spawns in a warehouse building and the other in a storage area on the opposite side of the map. The warehouse is the defenders' base and has two entrances: the main doorway and, to the left, a ledge with a battle rifle. Inside are two smg's and crates stacked up with two magnums and two incendiary grenades. To the right of the doorway, there is another ledge with a spartan laser. Outside the main doorway, is a dumpster with a trip-mine, bruteshot, and two spike grenades nearby. To the left and right are passageways to the mining area. If you were to take the left, you could go up the stairs and grab a power drainer, abattle rifle, and two plasma grenades or go under and around the debris to find a flamethrower which can be utilized to defend the base. To the right of the warehouse is a ledge that is accessible by a crate. In front of the ledge and next to the crate are a carbine and a shotgun. On top are two plasma grenades and one of the entrances to the mining area. The mining area itself is the largest open area in the map with slopes made using the interlocking method (like in Gradient) and a bridge bisecting it. At one end of the bridge are two spike grenades and two spikers and at the other a rocket launcher. To the left and right of the bridge are entrances to the storage area where the attacking team spawns. The right entrance in on the ground level and through a small tunnel which is next to a set piece behind a fence. In front of the tunnel is a needler and inside is a regenerator. The left entrance is located next to the mining area entrance nearest to the stairs. It's above ground level on the mining side, but on the other side, it's only reachable by jumping on a crate, which is almost hiding a mauler. The storage area itself is a narrow room with two open boxes built into the wall at different heights that are good ambushing spots, although the upper one is a bit tricky to get to. In the middle of the area are two plasma rifles. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] diagram of weapon locations [img width=800 height=672]http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/821/quarry1vl9.jpg[/img] [br] front of the warehouse [img width=800 height=450]http://www.imagehosting.gr/upload4/out.php/i75388_22923581Full.jpg[/img] [br] inside the warehouse [img width=800 height=450]http://www.imagehosting.gr/upload4/out.php/i75390_22926809Full.jpg[/img] [br] if you went to the right [img width=800 height=450]http://www.imagehosting.gr/upload4/out.php/i75389_22922813Full.jpg[/img] [br] The mining area [img width=800 height=450]http://www.imagehosting.gr/upload4/out.php/i75401_22923920Full.jpg[/img] [br] More mining area [img width=800 height=450]http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/2275/22923798fullbe4.jpg[/img] [br] Storage Area top view. Notice the open boxes that can be used to set up an ambush [img width=800 height=450]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/9743/22924442fullun1.jpg[/img] more pics to come [br] Storage Area [img width=800 height=450]http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/4420/22924196fullpm1.jpg[/img] [br] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Please check out the map as it took me 15+ hours to complete not to mention the time it took me to make this OP [br] Download Quarry [br]
it looks pretty cool and the diagram looks like a baseball feild. Lol or maybe its just me anywho good map. I'll dizownload.
I took a ton of screenshots, but for some reason they didn't load to my profile on Bungie.net I'll see if I can get more up