Has there been one? If not any die hard fans think of making one perhaps? *please move if topic does not belong.*
It has been done before actually. I forget were it is, but this guy Created the entire movie of I Am Legend into a Halo 3 machinima, all 2+ hours of it. Its pretty good actually.
It was posted a few months back actually, search this thread here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/8505-i-am-legend-halo-3-remake.html good good stuff.
Nope he had to take them down due to copyright infringement so anyother site would too. Unless it was like one of those pirating sites.
ah well technically it hasn't been done yet then. What they should do is dub over with their own audio and such, which could potentially be retarded but yeah. I still want to find this.
What would be better is if someone made a movie on the actual book I am Legend where he actually is the last man on earth.
and he's wearing his master chief suit as a defense against the airborne virus? idea? i think so. lol.
What? I said movie not machinima, and i don't think its airborne in the book. its actually about vampires(but they are basically zombies)
oh. well we're in a machinima discussion... my mistake. I also know what the book is about, i've heard alll about it from sargeantsarcasm. I was thinking machinima so disregard the whole master chief suit airborne virus as well. lol.
Well my comment was directed at either a machinima or movie. The suit would have nothing to do with it though its just what somebody would have to use inorder to remake it in halo
I finally watched the movie, I really liked it, but the ending was really fast and when it ended im like wtf what happens now? I would love to see this in a halo version lol