if you like this idea, please tell urge me to make this map if you dont understand the picture, tell me and ill try to explain it
ohh actually sounds like a good mini game map im already thinking of ideas and i just saw it! haha hey if you want help my GT is Sadafore93
haha yeah true wouldnt really be all that hard but hey i was just throwin the offer out there good luck!
haha well im thinking... PINK! haha umm either the actual zombie color or black maybe crimson some type of "undeadish" type color darker mainly
I'm sensing some negative vibes, but just to tell you a map like this has already been done three times as I now count. Humans on precipitous surface must be knocked off. Zombies use explosive stuff and in one case vehicles to do it. Twice on standoff, once on foundry. Good Idea though, those maps have been quite successful as I'm sure yours would have been. A lot of worth is put on originality and I know you're not copying, but it might not be as well recieved as it could have been. Unfortunately I no longer know if I'm trying to antagonize or advise you, so I'm just going to stop here, before more mixed messages come about.
but what (i hope) makes my map different is the fact that the zombie can ONLY shoot the BASE of the structure. and if one falls, it might be able to make a brand new structure to stand on, making sure no two games would ever be the same
Great idea! But one problem... How can the humans kill the zombie with a sheild door blocking them? You should add fusion coils to some of the towers so the humans can knock them down into the zombie pit and get rid of them.
dont be discouraged- if its done before find a way to modify or "spin" the consept e.g u could some how position flowting crates at a particular angle on a weapon holder so that when a player jumps on it the crate falls to v ground into v gaping jaws of a zombie below. Or you could make some particular crates very significant from getting from one area to another so position falling fusion coils on them so its a battle between judgement/timimg or a zombie - just a few ideas