Wall on Sandtrap Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by InferiorPigeon, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    really really sorry if this is in the wrong spot
    EXTREMELY new to this
    i have found, with the help of one of my friends, three sections of the outermost wall[[[the black round one]]] on Sandtrap that you can walk jump and do basically anything on.
    and i would really love to make a nice map that has to deal with it.
    there are just a few minor problems that i need help solving.
    so i decided to come to the forge hub community for answers!

    1.] in order to live on the wall, the map needs to be overloaded first. sure sounds easy just do the trip mine "glitch". however, who will do that in a custom game...no one >:|
    so i need a way that would force the players into overloading the map.
    after they do that then they would be able to play.

    2.] i cannot think of a good game type that would work with the wall..
    i thought about infection and having the zombies come from the wall and attack the humans like an ambush
    but i dont think that would be very fun.

    3.] what should i actually make on the wall?
    a base?
    a gigantic catapult??
    or something that is just incredibly stupid?
    ^^just kidding^^

    so i would really like some insight into this.

    if you would like to see it
    or just help me out on live
    my gamertag[for the next 2 1/2 weeks or so]
    [[sorry only have one month free and then i will be getting a new gamertag]]
  2. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    Thank you for moving this into the correct section.
    This should help me for further posts.
  3. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    No problem
  4. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    I don't really know how to make people overload it, but in another section, you could use so many objects that it overloads. I think?
  5. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    are u talkin about the grey outer rim? if so i got a map that takes u out there. stupid mines fly through a base, who ever heard of that. anyway u cant rly for sum1 to overload the map. u could do it urself. or u coud make a floating base outside of the map.
  6. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    so your saying like have all these random objects spawn in a *useless* part of the map?
    i can try
    cant hurt to try!
    im planning on adding screenshots so you can see all the wall parts

    i made borders around the parts you can walk on
    i might just post the map so people can think of their own ideas
  7. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    yeah i was thinking of the floating base idea
    the mines dont go that high
    i wish you could save a map already overloaded
    it would solve so many problems
  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    You're asking on how to build your map and what to build, pretty much the hardest parts. Also no double posting.

    As I understand, there is no way to overload the map without having every do it (trip mines or something). So that pretty much ruins most of your idea. Although you can get out to certain parts of it without overloading the map. You just have to get some teleporters past the death barrier, there should be a video tutorial on youtube. Although the space is pretty limited that way if I remember correctly.
  9. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    im thinking of just scrapping the whole idea
    there really isnt much to work with
    and the overloading part is just a pain
    so oh well
    it was a good run
  10. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    build two floating bases above the wall and bridge that connects them. That way everyone in the base is safe and they only get hurt when they fall of the bridge!

    Perfect for CTF and king of the hill
  11. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Can you pot screenshots of which sections you can get on to? I tried to make a map just on the wall but could only get on to one segment. Its a very small space, 6 people in the game would be enough to fill it, any more and you get insane spawn killing.
    I set it up for slayer, oddball and infection (there are six mongooses on the lower platform. If you're not careful you'll be blown up by the rockets before you reach them).

    Anyway, I've seen someone set that section up as an armoury/garage, teleporter in, board a vehicle, drive quickly back to the map.

    I'd love to have more sections of the wall available, connected with teleporters. It would be good for team games (2 bases and no mans land) so could I see some screenies?
  12. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    I saw someone once put a teleporter at that outer ring. The didn't have to overload it or anything, mabey they did to get the teleporter there but Im not sure. Anyways, the map had almost nothing on it.
    If I am wrong im sorry, this is just how it was in the game I played.
  13. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Actually you don't have to overload the map. All that does is get rid of the gaudian bombs (which makes getting out easier).

    You'll need 2 people and a vehicle with a passenger seat. Drive your vehicle right up to the invisible wall then get in the passenger seat. Have a monitor pick up that vehicle and push it (with the trigger) as far away from the main map as possible, then make the passenger get out. You should be past the invis-wall. Now you have to find a section of the rim wall which will not cause you to fall to your death. So far I have found 1 small section.
    Roughly about there. Anyone else found sections of the wall you can get to?
  14. Keegano

    Keegano Ancient
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    i know the trip mine glitch but i dont know how to make people overload it though sorry.,.

  15. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    ohh wow
    it never updated me that i had new replies to this until like just now

    but i will upload my map to my fileshare
    that way all you guys can have it
    it has borders for the limits of the sections
    so you know about how far you can walk on each section

    [[and im working on a great way to auto-overload a map]]
  16. Sniper Riflez

    Sniper Riflez Ancient
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    Even if you do overload it there's still a death barrier :/
  17. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    here is a screenshot roughly diagraming where the three sections of the wall that i found


    hope this helps
  18. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Interesting........................but not going to produce any good maps
  19. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Do you mean you won't or the wall isn't good enough to produce good maps?

    With 3 sections you can have 2 bases and no man's land. Teleporters can link each section so you can keep going round the map. Sounds like a great opportunity for a good map.

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