Any ways for those Who where in Shock Theta's TGIF #5 Know all too whell about Gary! THE HERO! Enjoi! [youtube]ssu29PGPXXg[/youtube] And here's a full script! Gary: New soda machine! It is I Gary, Here to releive u of your Verginity*SLURP!*.... Do i detect a hint of cinnamon?...... no i do not Mr.sun: Gary............. GARY!.. Gary: hello? mr.sun: Gary Look to the heavens it is I! Gary: mr.sun? mr.Sun: Gary! Gary: Mr.Sun! mr.sun: The world nay the universe needs you gary! Gary: they do?... Mr.sun: They dooo! Do you wish to know why? Gary: uhhmm okay? Mr.sun: ohhkaay... The british parlirment of Sector 69696titty699titty9 Gary: heh heh Mr.Sun: is troubled and is of need of a hero Gary: I am a Heeroo! Mr.Sun: Gary Gary: Mr.sun Mr.Sun: call me Gary Gary: Gary! (sun)Gary: Gaary! You are to accept this gift this blade of heros and you are to slay the alec baldwin demon crane! Gary: oh no! (sun)gary: OH YEAAAHHH Gary: ... wheres the sword? (sun)Gary: Shut up gary im sending it to you... Gary: Booh Yeah! (sun)Gary: Alrigh.... i'd leave now if i weren't so fat.. GOOD LUCK GARY! ~~~~NEW SCENE~~~~ Tiab: hey bernie Bernie: Sup Tiab Tiab: Check out Gary... ~Gary Sword Montage Battle Fight with Alec baldwin demon crane~ Bernie: oh my... why's he doing all that? Tiab: soda Bernie: soda? Tiab: the new soda machine... Bernie: Chigaboo? Tiab: Check it out ~Blast Soda Theme and bottle health stats~ ~~~~ NEW SCENE~~~~ Gary: Your days are numbered alec baldwin demon crane! ~alec baldwin demon crane dies~ (sun)Gary: Omg you did it gary oh ma gawd Gary: I am A heeroo (sun)Gary: you saved Princess gretchin of england.. Gary: i did?..Where is she (sun) Gary: Rigghh next to you.. Gary:..... - looks - thats a grizzly bear (sun)Gary: BYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE Bear: Thank you mario but our princess is in another castle ROAR ~~~~New Scene~~~~ Bernie: jesus all these hilusinations in a single bottle Tiab: can.. Bernie: ....... what? Tiab: it's a can... Bernie: what will happen to gary i dont feel like holding his hand while he throws up Tiab: i wouldn't worry about that Bernie: why not? Tiab: because he's dead....... ... END!
sweet youtube thing works and yesh i know i fixed it, cuz i guess my comp was slow so it wasnt showing up when i posted, so i moved it around to see where it would work and it didn't work anywhere and now i see it so i removed them and kept this one