Monster Madness

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Morphine, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Monster Madness


    Players: 4-12

    Map Download
    Gametype Download

    This map is designed very similarly to the forge hub featured map purple bunker. When I first played purple bunker I was immediately confused by it's construction. It seemed that even though the game play was fun the game lacked any real point. I mean it's fun to try and make the entire team survive for the hole time but there is no real competition between players. Basically if one person is sitting next to you not shooting the zombies at all, you all lose because of him and the last man standing is random(even though you get points for it). Also assassinating a zombie gets you points, as if you want them to get close to you.

    Shortly after playing it I set out to make this game. As you can tell by the name, it's a complete rehaul of the original with a few changes, turning it into a completely different style of game. The way this game differs from the original is that there are now two teams and the map is played with a KotH game type.

    The game starts out with two players from each team spawn at the end of each hallway. (only 1 if you're playing with 4 people)


    The goal of these players is very simple, be the first team to reach the other end of the hallway and get 1 uncontested hill point.


    However, as seen the photo above the rest of each team is stationed at the end of this hallway in an enclosed bunker.


    Armed with needlers their job is to keep the other team from reaching the hill before theirs.


    Of course there are barriers and equipment that spawn over time aiding the runners of each team. Including a bubble shield, flare, deployable cover, and custom power up (increases speed).

    The round ends once one team has captured the hill and there are three rounds per game.

    Bonus Included:

    The most amazing thing about this map is that it's two mini games in one! Using Symmetrical and Asymmetrical spawning, this can also play the original purple bunker game (and unlike the original supports 16 players). All you have to do is use a different game type and the map transforms itself as needed.

    Original Purple Monsters Game type

    Let me know what you guys think about this, any criticism is welcome. And as always, have fun and enjoy!
    #1 Morphine, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2008
    Speed-e-cake likes this.
  2. addictedkoala13

    addictedkoala13 Ancient
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    Interesting concept and a great game, my friends mostly view me as the "custom game guy" and this was a great addition to our playlist. Did not try purple bunker, but Monster Madness was incredibly fun, and will stay on my HD for awhile.
    #2 addictedkoala13, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  3. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Now, it's no secret that I loved Purple Bunker so first of all congrats on making a cool twist/version to it. It looks like it could be more fun than the original with the idea of making it a competitive mini-game. Very nice usage of KotH, you don't see too many mini - games with that gametype.
    IVIercinator likes this.
  4. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    wow that is really cool. i like how it is two games in one. great twist and much better than the original in my opinion.
  5. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    A good twist on purple monsters but maybe next time try to be more original and start with your own design. Good job though.
  6. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I was just fixing what was broken, and as far as I know this is the only map involving this concept with a working score system, therefore it's original in a sense. if you took the time to check out my other maps you'd see normally my ideas are all somewhat original.
    #6 Morphine, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    it looks too open- i dont see potential-i just see an empty hallway.
    it looks ok, but it has an old/unoriginal idea and a very plain map
  8. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Obviously you didn't play the map or read the entire description. I clearly state that objects spawn in over time so if you look at this picture closely, you can blatantly see several obstacles all over the hallway. So please actually read the description and play the map before condemn it as lacking 'potential', plain, and unoriginal.

  9. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    You have done a great job, you combined 2 mini-games in one map and the map adjusts itself, I'm definatly downloading this, I wanna see if the gameplay is better.

    PS: you know how perfect every featured map is, try making the walls smooth and add some aestheatics, when you do that, then it might be feature worthy.
  10. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    okay i see where u r going this looks REALLY GOOD as far as design and idea... needs more interlocking need straightened and needs a few changes...

    1. 12 is a lot to muster up unless its a TGIF... which is like one every 2 make it so it can be played w/ smaller numbers...
    2. this need to have some aethetics and some BLAMMMZORZ custom power up invis and ove. in the wall... and
    3. make the bases part lower or something b/c the stairs r dumb...

    but this is way better idea then purple monster and i agree w/ ur points nice im HOPPINNNGGG for a V.2 :>:>:>:>
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow this reminds me of purple monsters.
    This is very interesting this could be fun for a long time, I would work on the interlocking a little bit more tho

    good job
  12. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
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    Wow, I agree purple bunker was cool n all, but this gives the other team a fighting chance. Nice usage of KotH for the gametype and I really like that the two teams can see each other's progress as they get closer to the hill via the fence box/shield door combo there. I think I have room for it so I'll dl it.
  13. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    This map reminds me of purple bunker,
    same except not KOTH,
    Infection;like assumed.
    EDIT: Sorry I noticed you can play purple bunker's gametype.
    I see that you were influenced by such.
  14. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    how many objects spawn after some time? I was wondering this, because if objects spawn for each team, over time, they will both win round to round, because it is only one capture, possibly multiple captures (if its possible) would make it more competitive?

    edit: i noticed you had two teams going at it in one round, i thought it was one team vs the othe team shooting. Great idea, nvm what i said.
  15. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Yeah I admit the interlocking and such could use some work. I definitely just put this together in an hour to get to the fun part, testing and playing the game. I might think about cleaning it up a little if enough people are interested. I understand that some walls are slightly off but it really doesn't effect the game play, this just needs a polish for visual appeal really...
  16. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    There are 2 walls, 2 doors, and a wire spool(to duck behind and push forward) on each side.
  17. Yum_Toast

    Yum_Toast Ancient
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    Awesome! I definately agree with this, the scoring in the original purple bunkers made no sense to me either. Plus its more of a competition now.
  18. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    This is very nice. And the fact that you've allowed users to play Purple Monsters is great too.

    I also got rather confused by the method of scoring in Purple Bunker, but this makes much more sense, and is also a bloody brilliant idea in and of itself.

    As mentioned above, it could do with a little touching up (evening out the walls, for example), and some Power Ups on the bases as team indicators would also be quite nice. Looking forward to a V2 if you do one. If not, I'm gonna steal it and do the walls myself, 'cause I like it so much :p
  19. blakeyPoo

    blakeyPoo Ancient
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    Although I never got around to play Purple Bunkers, and I forgot about it, it is now my time to try it out in your new map that seems to be quite amazing. It looks very fun and I can't wait to play. I love how it is 2 Game is one, but How are you suppose to get 1 Uncontested Hill Point does the runner have to kill the defenders too?
  20. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    No killing necessary, everyone is immortal. The defenders are not actually in the hill they are set back slightly behind it.

    As for the problems with interlocking I've started work on a v2 and things are looking much smoother. It should be done very soon.

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