Solo Campaign on Legendary

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pizza Truck, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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    Has anyone beaten it? So far I'm on the beginning of Floodgate.
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i wish, its like impossible
  3. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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    Well have people done it before? Because I'm doin pretty good.
    Resix likes this.
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I have, with a few skulls turned on too. I also beat it with my brother in co-op with all but two skulls on. The brutes took like five headshots with the sniper to kill.
  5. addictedkoala13

    addictedkoala13 Ancient
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    Beat it myself solo.
    If you want help, visit Next Gen Walkthroughs
    No I didn't use this for halo, (used for cod 4) but I've watched the campaign tutorials when I was bored and they're good if you need strategies. The tutorials are videos by the way.
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    The only level I beat on solo on the legendary is the first level, the movie that you watch. I could beat the game if I wanted to but that would take a very very long time.
  7. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    really? wow it was like the first thing I did when I bought halo. if it proves to be anymore of a problem, as well as locating the skulls. PM me or message me on live when I'm on ill gladly help, suggesting I'm not busy.

    Campaign proves to be 400000405003% easier with more than just yourself, as when you die alone you restart from check point and all enemies are targeting you, with others its just the opposite. ^_^
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Never, ever again.

    I beat more than half the levels on Legendary Solo. If I never have to do that on Cortana ever again, I'll be happy. Some levels are near impossible to do by yourself on legendary. So for a few levels I used a second controller as my respawn point.
  9. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I have.

    tip for cortona: grab two plasma rifles and run,flood spawn endlessly so dont stop youll get surrounded,whan I did it I only died 20-25 times
  10. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    ADVANCED TIP FOR CORTONA (**experienced H3 Player required**)

    RUN LIKE ****
  11. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    I beat it all, I found that going up a ways and then drawing enemies back towards you works pretty well, but yeah Cortana is a major *****. Especially when you are trying to get the skull while there are a ton of flood just raping you, not a fun experience. What you want to do is take on enemies one or two at a time instead of the 20 they send at you. Good luck.
  12. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    i bet someone one here must've beaten it, im on cortana.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I actually found Floodgate and Cortana to be the easiest missions to complete. They are both incredibly short, and it's pretty easy to stand back and camp while the Flood keep harassing you with Ranged forms and whatnot.
  14. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I beat it on I Fastforward I and the only reason I haven't beaten it on my other account (Eldu Safaree)is because my disk won't read the level "The Ark." It never took me more than an hour and a half on any of the levels. Except for the very first time, I just run through "Cortana." I don't bother to kill anything, unless something is in my way.

    Just keep moving and take it slow. Take it one kill at a time.
  15. Shad0wAssassin5

    Shad0wAssassin5 Ancient
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    I have beaten it on legendary by myself. Cortana is actually easy as long as you know what your doing. My Advice for Cortana:Get a shotgun,sword,bubble shield or active camo( whichever is available) and run like hell. it always works for me.
  16. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I have. Once you get used to it its not that hard. Just have to get to know the AI's behavior.

    I did it because I wanted the legendary thing on my Halo 3 service record, but I had no one to play Co-Op legendary with (still haven't done co-op legendary). You know that achievement for finishing legendary campaign? I got it in single player. First time was a *****, then I got used to it. It was probably only such a ***** because I had Catch, IWHBYD, Grunt Birthday and Cowbell skulls on. =P
    ****ing catch.

    I keep trying to do the campaign SPLASOr (Single Player Legendary All Skulls On r (r just completes the acronym)) but Blind combined with Iron always **** me up.
    Otherwise it might be doable. =P
    I keep having to put a blutac marker on the screen to mark where the crosshairs normally are (actually a good move if you try it).


    • Plasma Rifles are your friend (great at killing flood fast)
    • Know when to run, and when to kill some stuff from afar (that's when the plasma rifle comes in, its amazing at killing flood)
    • Use all equipment you come across, don't think "Ill save it for later"
    • Bubble shield and Invisibility are your saviors for some rooms - Invisible, when it starts to wear off, run, and then drop a bubble if your shields are too low.
  17. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I don't think Cortana has infinitely spawning flood, but that level did take me HOURS to do. Those morphing flood forms I tried to get into hulk mode and then just do a little melee dance with them till they die, or just sword lunge if one was available. Step in bitchslap them, jump away, they swing, you step in deliver an uppercut to the jaw, and jump away, they swing... Ranged forms I usually used stickies on, but I found brute shots and needlers to be very effective as well.

    I did it solo on legendary to get accustomed to the Bumper Jumper control scheme, so I had many unnecessary control-related deaths. Beating it legendary isn't really a matter of shooting skill, its all about having the right guns and not moving into anything you aren't 100% sure is cleared of enemies. Clear out grunts with BR or carbine headshots, use plasma pistols or snipers on the brutes, and just melee or headshot the flood.
  18. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    I beat it on Legendary [SOLO], and TBH, I think it would have been better if it was harder. =/

    Sure some people have heaps of trouble, but doing 4 player on it was WAY too easy. (Did it for the vidmaster)

    Shoulda been harder for solo, too..
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I think of all the levels on Solo Legendary, Cortana was by far the most difficult. I'm the type of player that likes to clear the room before moving on, so I died a lot. As the people above me mentioned, the plasma rifle is one of the best weapons to have. Actually, I would ditch the human weapons altogether (for god's sake, do NOT pick up the flamethrower on Legendary; it's a trap!) and keep the PR and Needler handy for those ranged bastards. You'll still die a bit, but at least you won't cry in a corner thinking you'll never finish.
  20. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I played through Halo3 campaign again on my second account for fun. I beat the entire campaign on legendary in under eight hours or something. That includes getting all the skulls as well. Guess I just know how break the campaign down so its easy for me.

    Added: The key to beating the flood levels is patients. If you're in a room with 30 flood and you are behind cover in the beginning of the room. More often than not flood will come one by one to your position and you can pick them off. That is just one of the ways to do flood levels. Try it out!

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