Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    You really have an obsession with green, don't you?

    Well you did great with the colors, and I liked how you put two sigs on one.

    My complaint is the second block (below the "dota") is out of place. I would use a different image to put there. The sig is hard to make out, and it looks like the focus point is centered on the shield type item. There might be a little to much enhancements done to the image for people to make it out.

    3/5. You've done better.
  2. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    Eugh, I'm not sure what to say. First off, your text is as big as your render (if not bigger) which means you'll start off with two focal points? I don't think I can understand the text anyway. WhaaGuann?

    There also isn't any blending of the render or perhaps the only effort you put in was a duplicate and lowered the opacity?

    Try looking at some tuts, maybe and lower the size of that text.

    No rating...

  3. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Here's my new sexbot, tell me her whoos and flaws plz:
    oh and Stoj did you want CnC on that sig or is it just a pretty pic for me to look at?
  4. Convulse

    Convulse Ancient
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    typo needs work, compo needs more forethought, focal is hard to make out but i love the bg ;)

  5. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    I didn't think I needed to mention whether for people to give Cnc for a sig, because this IS a CnC thread, Isn't it?

    So yes pweez.


    TBH, I think this could be one of your worst. I don't really like how the 'render' is at the dead right of the sig. Is this middle still supposed to be the focal? If so, that's fairly abstract.

    The text is different, and not misleading, it doesn't subtract any points from itself, if not, adding points. Most sigs have pretty dodgy text. >.<

    #365 Stoj, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  6. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    My third attempt at GIMP contructive critiscm would be nice.
    I got bored so I tryed something.Im still nooby but im starting to know how to do things in GIMP sig on top of mine^^^^ is odd but cool looking I give Stoj 9.5 better than anything ive done.
  7. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Green too bright for the theme you are going for.... too empty near the bottom... Other than that it is not bad for one of your first attempt... Just a little too blank
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    Nice, I like the colors. render, background, pretty much everything.

    A little bit too boring. You might have blurred it a little too much though.
    I don't fancy the border, or the font either.


    @Desert elite
    What program are you using?
    Looks like you made it in paint, to be honest. Just copied the render, and boom.
    Try making more than just some basic colors, your name, and the avatar. Lacks the shizam!

    @Warlord Alpha
    It's pretty nice. I don't like the background too much though. A darker, blander background, would be better, maybe without those drawings in the back.

    I start Photoshop tommorow in Computer Apps 2. I've had it for a couple days, but still don't know how to use it.

    I hope to get better.
  9. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Hey, rate my SOTW pleash!
  10. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I'm not a fan of that style myself.....manga. What exactly is on her nose? And what does 'ELFEN LIED' mean? I think the BG colors should have been a little less bright and more similar to her hair color and is that a rainbow you threw in there next to her face? Finally, what are those white things across her face? It looks very......odd.....i'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish here......but it looks rather odd.

    CNC mah new sig plox.
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    It's an anime. It's pretty ****ed up. If it gives you a clue as to what it's about, it has a dozen AMVs that are to the song 'Let the Bodies hit the floor.'


    On the sig.

    I don't like it.

    First of all, why does everyone love massive borders. Unless you're going for something fancy, don't use more then 1 or 2 pixals.

    Next, I like the idea but it's horribly done. The pose the guy is in just doen't fit with the blood splatters and the blood splaters aren't even in the right 'blood' color.

    Again, good idea, horribly done.
  12. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    I read the manga Elfen lied, it's also a poem...

    The thing on her nose is a petal from a cherry blossom, you know, those trees in Japan that are pink? The things on her face are just a weird c4d I found.

    As far as your sig goes, I think it's alright. It captures the spirit of that game pretty well. But it needs some 'cleaning up.'

    1. I READ THE MANGA!!!
    2. It's not ****ed up, there's just a few brutal action scenes...
    3. That song sucks.
    4. Kthxby!
    The Effected likes this.
  13. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    So? Also, Caps lock may be Cruise control for cool but you still need to steer.

    I never said that I didn't like it.

    So? It has a title of 'Let the bodies hit the floor' and it gets the message across.

  14. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    Few... By a few do you mean every other chapter when she is ripping people's bodies apart? They're about 84 chapters out so far so that's 42 scenes?

    Sorry, there are 107 chapters out

    Kinda shitty render but not too bad.
    ChillyCookie my friend on Mabinogi xD
  15. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I'd prefer if you were a little more clear in your CNC about how i can FIX IT. Do you think i should remove the blood altogether?
  16. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Okay, just to clarify, the guys who did the anime added a shitload of gore to it. The actual manga isn't quite as bad. And, belive it or not their are WAY worse animes out there.

    Now, bask in the glory that is the best Elfen lied AMV iv'e ever seen.
    WARNING: Not for the faint of heart(lots of gore...)
  17. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    If you remove the blood, you get a render in a hallway with text and a bad border. Try and get the blood to look halfway real. After that, there really isn't much to comment about.

    Personaly, I'd scrap the whole thing and forget about it. In all honesty, the sig is bad. It looks like it took you all of 5 minutes to make, including searching for the render and background.

    If you really want to do a sig with that style, look in Universal resources, look at the tutorials and look for a tutorial on stock sigs.
  18. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, a little bit too sharp around thee render, but i like the colors and the text, they all flow very well.


    I just got back into making sigs kinda, and i like this one...
  19. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    That sig wins at life... sorta...

    The only real problem I have with it is the border around the render.

    God, I just can't remeber for the life of me were Tsuna's from...

    Is it dragon drive by chance?
    1 person likes this.
  20. drak

    drak Ancient
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    nice design to start out with, i suggest adding a border, and C4D effects...
    anyways, C&C my current...

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