That's really good. I had to stop for a moment to thin kwhat map had snow and structure like that.... you got out narrows lol. Awesome worth a D/L not completely original but fun none-the-less.
Copy I dunno if u have heard about a game called cliff is really old , it was made b4 the heroic map pack, and is almost exactly like this map. if u have never "Cliff Zombies" i just thot i shod tell u that this idea has been done b4..with the barrier and everything
There is a Standoff picture? Narrows aren't connected with it. lolz. The map looks good, too many powers in the same place though. But also not on Foundry, Cool! I rate 4.5/5.
Necro-posting a thread that was from 2 months ago........ pictures on standoff and narrows................................. advertising a completely un-related contest in a completely unrelated thread........ Lock?
thats actually really cool, but i thoughtat first glance 'what a noob, he has pics of different halo maps up' because there was snow, i was confused but then i realized narrows was in the back and i was all like, oh my god i just got pwned... lol i do really like how it goes from dryland to snow, nice work 7/10
You still got pwned alright but it was by your own noobish ignorance. It's clearly two different maps...
Ok first of all nice map, but something with the pictures is wrong, in the foirst map they are in standoff and same in the second one, then in the 3rd or 4th one there in narrows? please explain
i think he thinks he can fool people. probably a little kid who wants attention, mod please lock, plus link dont work, so super uber lock.
OMG sorry my photobicket account is messing up I've currently got no Internet so I'm doing this on my phone As soon as it's back up I will do v2 run to the hills and fix the pictures Just saying sorry Should be fixed in upto 2 weeks
is it just me or are the pics on different maps?!? It looks like theres narrows, standoff, and snowbound(out of the map), or am I crazy!
wtf half ao the pictures arent from the same map!!!! am i the only one who has noticed this?!? cool glitch however