::Orion:: Created by l HOFF l Orion Overview A small symmetrical arena based map. Made for Slayer and Capture the flag. 1-8 players recommended. DOWNLOAD HERE ::Supported Gametypes:: Slayer Capture the Flag ::Forging 101:: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch ::WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT LIST:: l Battle Rifle l (x6) l 30 seconds l 1 Spare Clip l l Needler l (x1) l 150 seconds l 1 Spare Clip l l Brute Shot l (x1) l Never l 1 Spare Clip l l Plasma Rifle l (x2) l 30 seconds l SMG l (x2) l 30 seconds l 1 Spare Clip l l Plasma Grenades l (x4) l 10 seconds l l White Powerup l 180 seconds l After 150 seconds the brute shot turns into a needler. The white powerup at first is an overshield. 180 seconds later when it respawns it turns into an active camo. :ICTURES:: Have fun and leave constructive criticism so it can be improved. In case you missed the link before DOWNLOAD HERE.
Wow looks pretty fun. I love the maps where is has a ring around the level and a bottom stage . I really like the power ups that make it fun to get to. The interlocking could use some work, however the geomerging was great.4.5/5! 1st post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looks pretty cool nice job w/ the powerups and thx for the layout... looks like it has tons of playability... i would really like to play this mayb give it more like stands if u no wat i mean ledges and jumps is what i meant... but it looks nice lol nice job on it and keep forging this is really good ... 4.8888/5 i no someone who last name is Hoff he went to my middle school
wow that shape of the map really stood out to me and the gametype also looks like aton of fun. The interlocking is extremely smooth and neat and I hope to see this map around the forums. 4/5
Looks awesome 4/5, I love those arena type maps but one prob. maybe you should put something on top mid to hide behind it looks alittle plain
Sweet map man. Although it only looks good for 1v1 or 2v2, the gameplay looks sick and you design and layout is very good. Neat interlocking too. Good job. I suggest making a v2 and make it bigger.
I think the map is very small, but 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 games should be good, the interlocking is great, though the geo-merged boxes are a bit shave, just a bit though. I think that the map should at least be a bit bigger, try making side-halls, cause you have almost no ways across but through the middle, so I think grenade spamming would be a problem, also make use of higher level, jumping fights are awesome to do and I think that most players enjoy them, so do I, good luck on your v2.
This map is very well made! The interlocking and geomerging are clean and I see no bumps . The powerups are a nice touch, adding to the awesome aesthetics. The layout looks simple but fun for 1v1 or 2v2. The bridges should add to the gameplay as well :0 I really like the looks of this map, can't wait to play!
ok first of all i think you have a great layout working here. One thing you should and i really mean SHOULD change is how the overshield gives you 4 shields. Thats kinda a turnoff on the gameplay unless you made it for only juggernaut or something which i highly doubt. In other words i think you have a very nice map here and you should do a little more work on the placement of spawns,weapons, and definetly the OS. Good Job on the map though.
Thanks for the compliment about the layout. I've tested the map several times, and found the weapons to be balanced. But spawns are my weakness. One thing: The white powerup does NOT give you 4X Overshields. That was just the gametype we were playing. The powerup gives you regular overshields at first, and then invisiblity later on.
This map looks ok, but you could have interlocked it way more. Look at the last pic: You can look between the boxes on the left. And I think adding more "scenery" to the map would make it more interesting.
Will someone give me an comment besides "needs moar interlocking" or "good interlocking 5/5. looks gud". please? I want to know how you guys think the map plays. Thanks.