
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by n1n3CAL, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    An ancient relic watched over by a mysterious being

    Hello everyone. This has probably been the shortest time I have had between posts but I was so happy with the comments from my previous map that I couldn't help but start forging yet again another map.

    This one is called Intrepid which is a vocabulary word I had but cannot remember what it means. Just thought it sounded kind of cool. This map is asymmetrical in a Guardian and Blackout kind of way. Equal but different. I decided to stick to some what of a theme this time (as stated under the title). So I hope you like this one.

    Weapon list:​

    • 2 Assault Rifles
    • 4 Battle Rifles
    • 1 Shotgun
    • 1 Sniper Rifle
    • 4 SMG
    • 2 Spikers
    • 1 Plasma Pistol
    • 2 Plasma Rifles
    • 2 Needlers
    • 2 Brute Shots
    • 2 Carbines
    • 4 Plasma Grenades
    • 2 Spike Grenades
    • 1 Bubble Shield
    • 1 Powerdrain
    Alright so like I said this map is asymmetrical. So weapon rushing is a given in the beginning of a game. The team spawn points are in opposite corners of the map. In the other two corners are two rush weapons: shotgun and sniper. Sniper is on the up ramp to the bridge and shotgun is in the backroom. This should prove to make the beginning of the match a hot start regardless of gametype.

    This map is made for mostly team based gametypes. Spawns and goals have been set for the following gametypes:​

    • Team Slayer
    • Capture the Flag
    • Territories
    • Assault
    • King of the Hill
    • Oddball


    Backroom and entrances​

    I believe this is my 8th thread and for sure my best. And there will be better ones to come as I hone my forge skills and improve on basic skills such as geomerging. I couldn't have done it without all the constructive advice I've gotten from my previous threads. So please rate and comment and keep to it.​



    After addressing the cover issues and the, thanks to my map escapist, UPG Uzumaki, ways to get out of my map, I went back, fixed a few of the merges, adjusted the weapon spawn, added more structures and features, and made the map closer to how I first envisioned it. Here are the pictures to show the difference:


    New overview​

    New Attackers Corner​

    New backroom entrances (w/ lanterns)​

    New Defenders Corner​

    New on ramp and added bridge​

    new view from cross bridge​

    Another angle of the added bridges​

    I hope this addresses all this issues of cover stated in the comments.​

    #1 n1n3CAL, Oct 5, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008
    TheDarkKnight05 and xFr1ct10nx like this.
  2. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    o wow... I really like the design and the aesthetical structures of this map. I am going to DL right now
  3. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    I really like the secret rooms you put in your map. But the interlocking in SOME parts is not that good. But the rest of the map looks great. Oh And I might be a little to open. Lol, I really like non open maps.
  4. Cheif Jarvis MLG

    Senior Member

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    Good Aesthetices
  5. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    i like the design and the cool structure... tho i think u need to do more geo... and maybe give it more mobility w/ like more jumps and what not but other than that the layout and everything else look really really nice thx for posting this... 4/5
  6. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    The map looks cool but it does seem pretty empty at some spots. I like how you had some cool designs in the map. Suggestion: you need to add a grav lift at some spots and that will make it more mobile and you also need to add a dumpster, crate, or truck to the empty spots. I give it a 4/5.

    EDIT: Good job on puting cover on the map. You could have made this a version two if you had enough changes. Also, you did not overdo t(he cover as most people will) which now makes it more mobile. Finally, I like the "lanterns." It's a good creative thought. Keep forging.
    #6 whitehalo3, Oct 5, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  7. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    wow dude.

    This map looks really awesome. The aesthetics look really interesting and the execution of the aesthetics is pretty great. The backroom looks like good with the shotgun and pallets for aesthetics.

    The only cons i can really see are some messy geomerges. Which can easily be fixed and the map is pretty open. For this, I can only suggest either putting some objects or structures in the middle area and around the bases.

    Other than that, looks like an awesome map. Will dl.
  8. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    After taking most of the suggestions into cosideration i went ahead and updated the map and thread. I hope this has been an improvement. Feel free to comment as needed.
  9. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    dude, this looks ten times better than your first version.

    The cover you add looks great, I really like the new defenders corner and the new attackers corner. Those look really well forged and I really sense you put a lot of effort and time in to making this map as great as possible.

    The lanterns also look really good. Especially for the aethetics.

    So great job on this V2 and hope to see more from you around the map forum.

    Great Job and Keep it up!
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    nice use of interlocks and merges
    i see you like dumpsters... what are you a hobo?
    i like the astetics and the white orb
    nice use of bridges also

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