Debate Sex and Organized Religion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NeverlessWonder, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    It's difficult to debate this topic because so much of it is based on opinion. That being said, one of the things I can't stand is how the majority of organized religion still preach sexual repression. I completely agree with abstinence being taught to a certain extent (13 year-olds should not be humping), but saying that our bodies and minds are a temple of sin desperate to be "saved" is just ludicrous. The Bible and other tomes were written at a time in human history when people were stupid and didn't know where the sun went at night. They needed direction and they needed to be told what to do and how to act by a few people who thought they knew better. It's the ultimate form of "because I said so" and it should have stopped being taken seriously quite awhile ago.

    Sex between two consenting adults should never ever have been considered evil or wrong as long as another party isn't hurt in the process, as in the case of infidelity. I'm glad I had sex when I was younger, and I'm glad my wife did too before I met her. We were able to find out a lot about our bodies and what we wanted out of it all. And if I'm going to hell for that, at least I'll be around the good music.
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I don't want to sound like some pervert looking to turn society into a sex machine but if you would give me a moment to explain my position and try to not take it at face value it would be appreciated.

    People should not be abstinent until marriage. I think it is important for development that we kiss (somewhat intently) in high school and possibly if you feel strongly enough towards a person commit a 'sexual' act (oral sex). Towards college sex should be considered, because what you get if you don't are (most of the time) unhappy couples bound to each other by marriage, from the age of 18, because they wanted to have sex. No 18 year old boy wants to get married for any other reason than religion, sex, and the commingling of the two. Later on you get the "7 year itch" or what have you and the marriage just falls apart.

    What was meant to be a holy union before god, was lined with sexual intent. If you have been around a bit, you might feel more strongly about marrying the woman (or man) you are with because sex isn't the largest issue. Sure it may be a large one but at this point other issues become larger and more imposing and will help stabilize the marriage in later years.

    Am I saying be Slutty McSlut-****. No. I just think a little bit of sexual awareness is good before, what should be, a permanent settlement is reached.
    Pigglez likes this.
  3. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    This is a very close mentality towards society as my own; though I do not see myself partaking in this skeleton myself, I do see this leading to a somewhat healthy sexual nature in the future of those who do follow a direction similar to this. I do intend to wed before I take place in sexual events with one that I love, but by no means am I saying that this should be the case for everyone. Find your own path, Christianity's (being my own) isn't the right one for everyone in this day and age.

    Ie; Agreed, for the most part. The other details are things completely biased to my opinion and would take away from the discussion.
  4. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Regarding a religious status, this couldn't work. I'm saying this only because the thread is aimed at sex from a religious standpoint.

    Disregarding my position as a Christian (take a picture, this won't happen often lulz), I'd say, "More power to ya." Same goes to Squidhands. According to Christianity, the practices you're describing are sin/immoral. That's an obvious statement, though. It takes no debate skill to say that; so, in order to make my post retain a bit more life, I'll delve into what the aforementioned (love that word) means to a non-religious person...


    By a standard, the two of you are probably the only ones in your region/city/county/parish(/....province?) to make those decisions. You're obviously capable of handling these matters with restrain- that is, thinking with the right head. I'm afraid neither of us could say the same for the majority of our population. The US (and sadly, all the world) is a sex-crazed society. Sure, you have your radicals, monks, and just plain idiots like myself. That makes up a small percentage of our world.


    Let's face it: more than half of the people who claim not to partake in sexual activity (for whatever reason) don't truly adhere to their claims. This is a result of Christians (and likely those of other religions) picking what parts of their holy text to obey......

    "Hmm, obey my parents and I'm guaranteed a long life? No prob. Oh...wait...I'm not supposed to have sex? Well, it's not technically sex, if we just kinda play around. That couldn't hurt."

    You follow me? I'm glad to see that the both of you are capable of maturely addressing your sex lives. The rest of our world is commonly left with regret, emotional instability, children with someone they don't love, and even the decision to keep that child. Many mothers abort their babies, and some for what they consider good cause. I've seen no statistic, but my intuition tells me that at least a percentage of those mothers regret the opportunity to raise a child. Broken relationships and broken hearts follow sex before marriage (again, in most cases).

    Finally, I can see no point to marriage, if you're already experiencing the benefits of what marriage is intended for. If I can live with her, have sex with her, and feel completely comfortable with her, I've no reason to make the further commitment of marriage. After five years of that, she mentions marriage. Now, I'm off to myself on a Thursday afternoon pondering whether she's after love, half of everything after the divorce, or an easy shot at child support when she takes off with the drunk. You see? You guys might be void of these cases, but stuff like this happens everyday.

    I work with a guy who's relationship began to crash after he got marriage. He and his girlfriend dated/had sex/lived together for five years. They get married, and he finds naked pictures of one of her high school friends on her phone. Now, he's silent all day, everyday. He's constantly in jeapordy of losing the kids he loves. I don't want that life for myself. Both logically and religiously, I feel it best to save it for marriage.

    G043R likes this.
  5. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I like how this topic is going.. I personally would like to ask what Marriage is to you guys. I mean I don't think that preparing for Marriage would involve having sex with a girl in college. I also feel that that kissing in highschool is a bit extreme.... Any one using bible quotes its useful to know the root translations just for cases of explaining literal text. I noticed you argued, neverless, that looking at a women with lust is a sin...

    I think you should take it as a case to itself. I mean I would think that women is attractive and, I want you just to have sex with you and not really care about you is totally different. I mean I know I'm directing this towards you Neverless but for point and case. We can't help noticing peoples personal appearance. We couldn't have eyes if it was meanly a sin to see a women. But I think we take it as a literal you can't look at a woman and How we look at a woman.

    I mean The question here isn't about religion but What does it mean to you to have sex. Is it just this have fun moment. Because even that isn't supporting an evolution idea either. I feel that Marriage as well do you really focus ON just sex when you get married. I mean I am thinking about Love and the true commitment in tailed with it. I mean My parents totally messed up marriage. I feel that there are 2 points with Marriage.

    1 to support a family feeling to teach the next generation.
    2 Support the life partner you love and care for.

    I know I used Life partner. My point to it all is it isn't about yourself... and it isn't about having finally been allowed to have sex. Or at least to me. BTW my pov is the Religious Corrupt point of view. I feel that sex is a special moment. Just like my first Kiss... yes I kissed in highschool. I'm not here to condemn any ideas. i'm just showing the pov. I think that having each moment matter and having it very remembered is very liberating. I mean very much of today we become descriptive to repeating things. I would really like to know sex will not become repeating. As much As I hear couples make it that way. I feel LIFE in every breath is much more Necessary. Value to each moment now I have to go and talk to my GF now...but think about it...

    LIFE in Every breath. What does it mean?
    dented_drum likes this.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    My belief is you should do whatever you want. If a man and woman want to have sex, well, let them. The Bible's idea is flawed. Long ago, many people married just to make political agreements and such. They teach that you must be in love to have sex, but mainly married. Marriage is just a symbol of people's love. Actually it really dosen't matter if you are in love. You should be able to do as you please.
  7. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Well, I was working off of an idea Dented brought up when I mentioned the topic of thinking lustfully as a sin. I wasn't actually supporting it, so I think you have things confused there.

    I feel that sex is the expression of love between two people as well. It can be fun as well as serious. I believe limits should be imposed on it, and that you should make decisions regarding sex wisely, as you should all decisions.

    Anyone want to talk about other religions? Or would that even matter, since our views on sex aren't going to change, it might essentially be the same discussion. Oh well, I had a good time, and you all handled yourselves nicely. Good job.

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