Alright being that I can not forge anymore because of school and I am extremely lazy I have come up with some ideas for you all to maybe forge. The houseAlrighty so let's get started the first map is the House... I know it has been done before but make it much better... I have not seen a very well done one yet and I want to... maybe make it so that you can make a close the door map using barrels or crates as the closable doors and add more asythetically pleasing things and in the movie you may have notice his house is not just alone... he has neighbors aswell maybe make those house and like a hole or entrance from house to house somehow. The apartmentSo in the beginning of the movie you may have remembered when they almost die... when they go into the apartment building or whatever it was because Sam(the dog) runs in there. Well you could make that into a capture the flag game type where the flag is obviously the dog and have it almost a maze of staircases. And also remember it was not the only building there... maybe make it into a thing with hiddens holes around the building just to make it that much more fun. At the endAt the end of the movie when the women finds the survivors colony make it so that the infected get immune or something from the cold and get inside the place somehow. Maybe make like where they have to push a truck up to the wall to help jump over the wall or have it so it has to be 2+ zombies that have to work together to get over the wall. Anyways those are my ideas hope you like them and might even create one or more of these. If you do make one of them please send me the map so I can have like a "first look" of it and add my name in somewhere on the post please anyways happy forging .
The second one sounds interesting, I might do it if I finish my current map soon. The first one, no matter how well done is just been made way too much. The third one, while interesting in concept does not seem fun it practice. How would the 2 zombies getting over the wall be fun. It would be kind of pointless as the humans would have to wait every time they killed the zombies for them to get back over. And for the future, do not double post as this is considered spam. Just edit your original, no matter how much you want your thread bumped.