Noo! My Brother!! This screenshot is not mines, the creator is "IX Buzzkill XI" . Great props_great pic_awesome_great job
That is an amazing screenshot. The effects make it look perfect! I love the way the light is shining on his visor. 5/5
that is really good lighting is epic... i think the helmet is the 2nd best one for this pic... pics r the only time they matter dont think im an 8 yr old recon fanatic type lol... but it is still win nice pose and effect and what not... 9.9repeating/10... the grass and the gold look cool too
That pic is cool but you need to stop posting other people's pics Take your own At least you gave credit tho
I'm enjoying this pic. As the lighting and such is nice and apealling to the eyes. I really like how the light is shining off of the one dudes helmet. Nice find 8/10