Incase anyone hasnt realized yet the new file shares are out! Go to bnet and click on Files on your gamercard thing(in the upper right corner) New Community Files
lol you just noticed..? oh well, there's always a first...anwyays, i cant wait until they get the download and convert to your computer feature implementd...
As I said in the other thread... They aren't truly broken, but they link to the comments page instead of the main DL/rate page. People following the old links will have to click "back to file" at top right to actually download. It's not a big deal, but updating your links on FH and other map posting sites makes everything more streamlined for potential DL'ers. However, without the "community files" forum, I'm not sure how you get publicity for your files anymore. Sure seems as if bungie doesn't want site browsers to find anything that isn't on bungie favorites (or has over 100,000 DL's or something)... Short version: Don't freak out about people not being able to download your maps. It's just an extra click if you decide not to update the links.