
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Wood Wonk, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Created by Lawful Chilli

    Some of you might know that small, enclosed maps are my specialty. They are my favorite types of maps to play on and make. This was an extremely fun map to make, test, and play. Even though i was working on it for about a month(i was working slowly), it was well worth it. I hope you can have as much fun playing it as i did creating it. Protoplasm is best played with 1-8 players. I find 2v2v2 (another v2 if you want, but its crowded) team slayer to be a very fun game. I would also recommend multiflag as the best objective game.​

    Link to map here.
    Team slayer gametype plasmaburst
    Multi Flag gametype Plasma Flag
    Assault gametype Plasma Bomb
    Due to limited space on my filesahre, i cannot have every gametype on it. You can adjust the gametypes to the game you want to play, such as switching team slayer to slayer and reducing the kills.​

    The map also works with VIP and Team King, but i didn't have enough space on my fileshare for them.

    Protoplasm is a small, symmetrical mini game/ casual map with fast paced gameplay. The basic layout of the map is 2 hallway-like bases with a large room in the middle. Two teleporters on opposite sides of the room give you very fast access to any point on the map. Needler battles and lots of sticks make this a very fun game to play with friends. The map is interlocked throughout, and the aesthetic details prove to be easy on the eyes while playing, such as the mancannons on the walls, the base of the shield doors interlocked into the floor, and the covenant vehicles and weapons under the fence boxes. The blue covenant theme provide a refreshing break from the brown of foundry.
    The gametypes were inspired by fbu's rave, which means they use needler starts, but it is far from exactly the same.

    plasma pistol x2- 20 second respawn
    plasma rifle x8- 45-60 second respawn
    beam rifle x1- 150 second respawn
    plasma grenade x10- 20-30 sec respawn
    needler x4- 30-45 second repawn (2 spare clips)​

    When you first spawn, you start with only a needler as your tool of destruction, no grenades. But ammo should never be in short supply. The many deaths should provide you with just about infinite needler ammo, and the plentiful amount of plasma grenades and plasma weapons should leave you with another weapon always close at hand.

    Here are some pics to give you a feel for the design and layout of the map:
    (captions are under the pics)

    These first few are with the roof deleted, so you cannot get out.

    This is the A side, with the A base on the far right and teleporter on the far left.

    Here is the B side, which is identical to A side.

    Here is view of the center room from the side.

    These next shots are with nothing of the map deleted.

    from the back of the base, where you spawn in 2 team games.

    another look from inside the spawn, although this is further up.

    looking into the base from the middle room

    looking across the middle room

    a closer view of the center structure (the beam rifle is at the top, it blends with the grav lift)

    a view from inside one of the teleporter rooms

    Action shots:
    *these were taken before the map was completed, mostly just aesthetics.

    get ganked.

    Is that a ghost back there?

    thanks to all who helped test and offer suggestions
    another thanks to fbu and chips for the inspiration.

    Please play and rate or comment, its greatly appreciated.
    #1 Wood Wonk, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I'd love to try and guess how long this one took you, as I do remember playing a few games with sdrakulich in the past month. Either way this is beautiful, by far one of my favorite jam-packed arena types that doesn't become old after three games of play. The center structure screams originality. Probably the only map I've played where plasma pistol duels were amazing xD. Nice job!

    The map beautifully constructed, layout/aesthetics - 5/5
    Game play - 4.8

    Definite DL
    Wood Wonk likes this.
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    it is finally fully updated, sorry about the accidental early post.
    Mace likes this.
  4. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    wow that looks pretty nice... i checked three times for when u were done and now IM HERE... nice layout and map looks fun like saphire and amethyst and all those that JEEF did... nice work layout looks really neat... add something like a vid or a like Foundry Designer layout tho i dont mean FD i mean something like it... 5/5
  5. drak

    drak Ancient
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    lol no credit for helping you out testing it?
    oh well:

    Overall, i'd have to say this map is a 4/5

    key things that idk about it....did you fix the lift thing, where you can just sit there? yes?
    then its really good

    I have a lot of fun playing on this with you, and i really hope all you guys out there download it, after all, it was posted on my site before
  6. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    looks very nice
    i like the blue feeling to it lol
    good astetic touches and map setup
    the gametype is very similar to a feetured map awhileago
    still fun looking map tho
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yeah i didnt remember everyone who tested, so i just gave a general thanks to all testers.
    and yes i did fix the lift thing, you cant sit up there any more.
    but i dont think i posted it on your site yet... im planning on doing it soon.
  8. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I really like the looks of this! Your interlocking and geomerging are fantastic, and I just love your central structure (amazing detail!). The aesthetics are totally awesome as well!
    It looks like you really put a lot of time into this, everything is smooth and clean :).

    I am also very excited about the gametype, it seems like a ton of fun. I love needlers so this is a MUST DL for me. Great job on the map, make more!
    Wood Wonk likes this.
  9. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    looks very nice like the blue theme these types of maps a really fun for ctf ,but 1 question, what makes the gametypes special besides the no grenades and needlers, im running out of space so if someone could tell me i would really appreciate it:p
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    special as in how?
    as in different from rave?
    theres a bunch of little settings like speed, shields, damage resistance, spawning, and other things.
    i guess they are not necessary, you could probably just make your own gametype when you play it. i just found that the gametypes i have work best.
    if you dont have much space, you could just DL one gametype, like flag, and just make those settings for all other games, or invent your own if you want.
    since you mentioned it, i'll edit the post later with all of the specific gametype changes.
  11. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Hey i see you finally posted it. =)
    it was really fun testing this map before you cleaned some stuff up, they weren't that big of problems, but you finally got everything nice and neat. i loved the fact that everything is plasma, which gives people who aren't good with brs the chance to bully around the BR people. usually shield doors are not fit for many maps, but for this map the shield doors perfectly balance out gameplay.
    loved it, and thanks for testing with FH Tester's Guild
  12. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    lawful chili! aboyakasha! download for me, play more pistol headshot games with my friends, thanks for making this, 5/5
    Wood Wonk likes this.
  13. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    I really like this map. I think my favortie part definetly would have to be the center piece. Nice job on the map, keep forging.
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey I noticed you finally got this map posted.

    I really like the look of this map it makes foundry look bigger than it really is. Just might be because there is more than one story, but the energy doors and grav lifts make this map stand out.

    Good Job, I never thought I would see a map made by you
  15. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    Yea i think this is a great map... And it is a great map

    Like everyone said the Center Structure is Amazing ....

    Beatifully Forged and A Must Download for Me

    Well Done
  16. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    did you just look at the pictures, or actually DL, or read the post?
    and either way could you please comment on what you did not like about it?
    i dont mind negative/neutral feedback, but i would like to know what you think i did wrong so i can improve upon the map.
  17. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    dude, this map doesn't have geomerging. Le fail?

    now onto the map,
    yeah, you've told me about 5 times, i've just been worked up in a doubles puzzle map.

    Anyway, finally you posted it. Its been forever, but i've kept maps to myself for awhile.

    Yeah beam rifle, I told you to do that. Does it acually play well cause I was sort of joking but I'm still glad you put it in.

    I do like the layout a lot, but I'm a cripple with those weapons and sticking so I guess I'll have to go for the sniper everytime.

    There was a little problem I never told you about, but whenever you would go up the grav lift, you could camp on the edge instread of going through the teleporter, so I hope you fixed that .

    Overall its good, but you freaking know me. I don't like small maps that much. How about you make a map using the entire foundry, that would be a good challenge.
  18. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yeah the beam rifle plays well for people who know how to use it, but its not that powerful, since there a good chance 2-3 needlers will be shooting at you.

    and i did fix the lift to the teleporter, you have to go through it now.

    and make a map using the entire foundry? who does that, really?
  19. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    I absolutely love this map, and it's like million testing sessions.
    Trust me guys, this thing has been tested over and over and over until perfection.

    The rave gametype it was made for plays epically on this, and so does rave two flag.
    I just love the fast, unknowing feeling I get when I load this up and get a game going on it.

    Wonderful map, wonderful post, and wonderful job!
  20. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    thanks, yeah i did test it a bunch didnt i...
    but the gametype isnt really rave, it was inspired by rave. there are a lot of differences in the gametypes.

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