
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by The Desert Fox, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    A new Avalanche Roller-Coaster




    Skywriters is a new roller coaster on avalanche that will take you for a challenging, wild ride. You will jump man-cannons, imposing chasms, and take a twisting path lined with jumps to your ultimate destination. Now that the formalities are out of the way, I need to straighten out several concepts. First and most importantly, IT IS NOT MY JOB TO KEEP YOU ON THE TRACK. The fun of this map is knowing that you could fall off at any given moment, but with your "superior driving capabilities" I'm sure you'll get it after the first couple of tries. Second, this map has a dual-track theme, meaning that on labeled pictures keeping closer to the left or right side of the track will result in a different experience. Thirdly, this map is fun because of how it rides, not because of how it looks. Please keep aesthetic comments to a minimum as this is not the purpose of the map. ENJOY this; don't look for the faults because a. you will find some and b. you will have gained nothing from this download. HAVE FUN AND SHOWOFF YOUR DRIVING SKILLS TO YOUR FRIENDS!

    I don't know why I even have to say it, but constructive criticism is VERY different from angry, useless comments.

    Now for some glorious pics

    Starting gate

    Starting Arch (bumpy to warm up mongeese shocks)

    Gap--Stay right for stalefish (DON'T HIT MANCANNON)
    left for straight shot


    Downward staircase--Can you do it on two wheels?

    Chasm Gap--Yeah, this looks like it's gonna work.

    Winding Path--From lift landing platform [​IMG]

    Upthrust Gap--Intentional bump for accurate landing

    Downward Drift! Stay right for bump--left for speed

    Banked gap--Left for smooth landing--daredevils, bear right

    Finish Line! (Potential barrel roll off cliffside)

    Enjoy the map. Hopefully you are skilled enough to complete it. =). USE WITH RACETRACKS GAMETYPE. Thank you to testers Chaosend Elite(1) and Melmanite.


    #1 The Desert Fox, Sep 13, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    I knew I forget to include something. Thanks. THIS IS NOT CHEATPROOF.

    If you are worried about your friends cheating you out of legitimate laps, then GET SOME MORE TRUSTWORTHY FRIENDS.

    Again, this map is for racing pleasure, not heated competition.
  3. Crouchaldhino

    Crouchaldhino Ancient
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    couldn't agree more. so many people on this site only like maps if they're unbreakable, but sometimes if they're unbreakable it takes away from the map.

    The map looks good especially if its you're first one. allo the jumps look like they could add potential drama. 4/5. Would be a 5/5 if it was unbreakable. lol jk i just dont like race maps that much because they lack playability.
  4. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    that nice dude, there are alot of jumps in this map and the barrel roll in the end is just genius, you're right about the not having of a cheating system, we shouldn't need one, but we make them anyway for the **holes out there ;)

    Edit: and oh dude, you may consider editing the discription of the map, cause I don't think blam is supporting and btw I downloaded and rated 5...
  5. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    thats where you got it...

    anyway, i dont love the chasm jump, ive done it, and either 2 things happen i also have 3 other things about it
    1. i fall
    2. i lose an immense amount of speed
    3. i flip and survive, but my mongoose slides of
    4. and also, roller coaster maps maps arent wide so THEY MUST BE MANUEVERABLE!! no tight turns and NO JUMPS FOLLOWED BY TURNS such as the chasm one
    5. NO TIGHT TURNS they should always be soft and steady
    i understand challenge tracks, but this one is just a annoyance to do
    2/5 to be honest, but fixing those 5 things would make it an at least 4/5
  6. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    At least your honest. This map is not perfect; no map is. If you didn't enjoy it, I'm sorry for you, but I am sure that there are those who will. Thank you for the feedback.
  7. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Within several weeks, should a hindrance or impediment of sorts not present itself so as to falter with the production of my future pieces, I shall be coming out with a map of uninterrupted quality whether it be composed of features to classify it as competitive, casual, racing or some other type of accordance.
  8. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    new map coming out in about a month. Called...its a surprise.
  9. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    It looks pretty good. People will complain that it isn't cheatproof, but you aren't playing it on live so it is OK. It just looks really hard though. ONE MORE THING...........
    You shouldn't double post- just edit your first one. Double posting can result in an infraction.
  10. xI Raakuth Ix

    xI Raakuth Ix Ancient
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    great map 4.5/5 and i couldnt agree more and if i could agree more i would with this quote
  11. The Flappy

    The Flappy Ancient
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    looks pretty fun I'm making a racetack myself. good map 5/5
  12. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    WINTERGREEN RUSH coming out soon. big half pipe. enjoi
  13. PodmoreX

    PodmoreX Ancient
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    Finally a racetrack not on Foundry!!!
  14. Melmanite

    Melmanite Ancient
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    THIS IS ****ING INSANE!! IT IS FORGE-GASMIC!! If i could, i would have sex with this map until i died. Then, i would ressurect myself and do it again. THIS IS CRAZZZZZZY GOOOOD!! i love the turns and the jumps and the track and the sights and the feel and the look and the texture and the girth and the smell and the touch and the musky, pffending odor. I love race maps so ****king much!
  15. Xtreeme

    Xtreeme Ancient
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    Lol, its funny because its true.

    Good race map u made there - nicely interlocked-
  16. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    Map Reviewers™
    Reviewer: AcTiViZiOn
    Rank: Founder
    Map Review-
    Map Idea: 4.7/5
    Map Looks: 4.8/5
    Map Gameplay: 4.1/5
    Map Construction: 5/5
    Map Features: 5/5

    Comments:This is a spectacular map and i love the way that you accomplished it on avelanche. This is a very neat and very great style of a racing map. The best thing about this map is all of the placemant of the track. This map is one of the best ive seen on avelanche sofar!

    This map was downloaded prior to review.
    ~ AcTiViZiOn
    Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.

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