Crate Hill Varient Everyone has played one of those maps you just want to play again. Well Crate Hill is one of those maps. Description: You spawn on 1 of the 2 sides if you are lucky you can spawn in a grav lift to send you directly into a mancannon to start your points fast. Take off running into the mancannon, make sure to assassinate those other guys in a race to the hill(floating in air), and to get splattered by the crate. If you are lucky, you can spawn on blue side, the side which starts behind the crate(a very good place to be). When in the air you earn 2 points for 1 pass(a complete trip through the air) if you are alone, but if you are contested you ear only 1 point. Each side has unique equipment to use. Blue base has a Trip Mine, and a Power Drain. Yellow base has a flare and a deployable cover. Behind base spawns are 2 mongeese per side and 1 ghost per side. The vehicle mix it up quite a bit, intead of getting mauled by a crate, have a ghost boost into you chest instead! Game is to 50 points, but most people wish game was longer. Pictures: (Captions above pics) A view from the left side Vehicles Anti-leave-the-area-to-be-annoying Death Teleports The crate destroying another helpless victim Double Ghost splatter kill upsidedown! Flare making visiblity difficult, better watch out for flying mongeese! Me in a ghost about to own somebody trying to take ma points The Hill can get pretty crowded, if there was a trip mine this would all go away... Please give feedback and download! Oh yes, to all the poeple of whom thought I copied Albatross Hill. I did not, but I have seen that map and would not copy becuase I hate stealing ideas
A Cool map on Narrows. Id never thought id see the day. Although barely any forging was used, I think this can turn out to be quite fun! I like your Anti-leave-the-area-to-be-annoying Death Teleports. Just the name (Without the anti) Resembles my friend perfectly, and I'm glad you put those in. 5/5, because its on Narrows. Great job!
Chyea for first post! awwww I'm DLing this immediately and will play it tomorrow. It looks simple, and a lot of fun, 4/5 for the idea.
Lol, the teleportes stop alot of people but lots still just drive through, but you get no points so people don't do it as much as you'd think. Thanks for the reply already! Lol, didn;t get first post, got snagged. Thanks for your reply, makes me happy. Yes its simple, but that makes its fun too!
um, good job with the teleporters, but people can still just drive through them with vehicles. I've been trying to make a map like this while, and i fell your pain, it's hard to keep people form going out. nice job 5/5 just cuz its on narrows, and gameplay like this is adicting
Yea, I think I might have said that about the vehicles one post up. But it doesn;t matter, you get no points out there. Yea the gameplay is really addicting, you'd be amazed. Thanks for the reply
well i played on this map and had a great time too. I would have never expected to see a narrows map thats fun, well you did it. Good job 4.5/5
Wow! Pimpin' map my friend! As said before; Finally! A decent map for Narrows! And it isn't half -blam!-ed either! XD Great Map, Good job, and keep up the good work. 4/5 (cause its breakable through the teleporters. Sorry!)
Thanks for the reply, but as for the teleporters, there is no reall good way to blockthem off becuase of vehicles, and mario jumps and things like that, but it was the best I could do and my theory was no one would go out becuase then they would lose...
What about hobo heights? Anyway, awesome map! It can be so hilarious sometimes. And like you said, there really is no point in going past the teleporters. I love this map for being so fun and for being on Narrows. 5/5.
Nice map man, i've seen a map from another one of my friends like this but this is a little different which is good.This can get extremely fun too,so thats a good thing.I see you used vehicles which would make it crazy.Nice job on the map,4/5
Thanks for all your replies guys! I really appreciate you commenting about the gameplay. Thanks again!
Perhaps you could have placed whatever was left over in the areas and then placed the rest of the teleporters and weapon holders to hold them. But I'm not really complaining. I couldn't have made a map out of the whole place-two-grav-lifts-placed-infront-of-the-man-cannons trick!
I love this map it is great for small parties or ;arge parties in caual games and it cand be really fun and intense some times. Im glad zack finially posted it (took long enough) Definetly 5/5
Lol, sorry I took so long to post this but I wanted to redo my fileshare before I posted this, that's why I took so long.
Damn! I knew I could use those 2 mancannons for something cool (other than juggling random crap and having Mongoose races with my friend locally). I like this map alot!