Map Link: The Lobbies Suggested Gametypes: Anything you want. I've made sure it works well with all default gametypes. It's aimed at symmetrical objective games and team slayer, though. To celebrate the re-uppage of Forge Hub, I've decided to release a new map: The Lobbies. This is a symmetrical map on Foundry, which I made for all gametypes. It features: -2 corporate art structures -A side passage with an elevator to a sniper post -An 'outdoor' vehicle lane with mongooses and gauss turrets -The Hallway of Greed and Confusion -Sentinel Beams! -Cake! I hope you guys enjoy this map, I think it really utilizes Foundry to its limit. Let me know what you think. Screenshots and Overview: Center This is the most obvious way from base to base. There's a little system of hallways that connects the two bases by their bottom floors. It's not the easiest way up to an objective, or the best place to be in a slayer match, but it's there if you need it. You can find a needler, some spike grenades, a carbine, and an overshield (under cameraman) down here. [img width=600][/img] Attacker Base The map is symmetrical. But each base has it's own individual corporate art structure. The attackers get a nice little helix around some barrels. These art pieces offer a little shortcut up to the second level for the acrobatically inclined, and are completely destructible. It's just like fight club, yay! The floating crate you see can be used as a sort of staircase once that grav lift is destroyed, so it's a good idea for attackers to utilize it, and for defenders to protect it. [img width=600][/img] Defender Base 1 Here you can see the layout of a base. The defenders get the spool pyramid for their sculpture, as you can see. There are staircases at the back of the room that lead to the second floor. There's an entrance to the side-passageway in the top of this picture which leads to the back of the opposite base. [img width=600][/img] Def 2 Here's another angle of the same base. As you can see, there are duel wieldable weapons scattered around the second floor. [img width=600][/img] Def 3 And here's a final view of that base. You can see here that the objective points spawn on the little overhang that constitutes the third floor. [img width=600][/img] Elevator Action This is the side passage way I mentioned earlier. It's a sneakier way into the bases. The path to the left has a sword stashed behind a pallet along with a bubble shield. The elevator leads up to a sniper perch over the vehicle lane. [img width=600][/img] Snipez And voila: the sniper perch. You can get a good view of the map from here, and make sure nobody on the other team controls the gauss turrets (shown in the corner) too long. There's a trip mine here for your enjoyment, and the detriment of anyone trying to use a mongoose.The teleporter seen below (accessible by the crates) will take you to the hallway of greed, where you can get the rocket launcher. [img width=600][/img] Rocks This is the rocket spawn, inside of a set of fence boxes connected by teleporters. I call it the hall of greed for a reason. If you can't live without the rockets, go for it. But if somebody sees you (radar or otherwise), they can easily blow up ALL of the fusion coils you see, vaporizing anybody inside. This is done by simply shooting the fusion coils placed above the objective point in each base or above the sniper perch in the vehicle lane. [img width=600][/img] Vehicle Lane This is the vehicle lane. Use the gauss turrets to your team's advantage. Watch out, though, they're set with explosives, so a single plasma or spike grenade will take you down. You can also grab a 'goose and get to the chase. There are shield doors which prevent you from getting directly into the bases, but you can access them with some skillful driving through the center hallways. There is a shotgun next to either garage door, a battle rifle/regenerator combo in a box just inside the shield doors, and a plasma pistol in the crevace between the crates below the teleporter. [img width=600][/img] Again, I hope you guys enjoy. I've had a lot of fun on this map already. And, as always, feel free to comment in the Bungie forums. It'll never get enjoyed outside of FH if it doesn't get bumped a little bit.
7 views and no comments? In a map by Master Cosmic Rick? :squirrel_eyebrow: I like this. Especially with the helix staircase. Also, the fact that it looks like vehicles and normal gameplay works well here is a plus. DL.
This a great map!! I agree with Nemihara, and it is really fun! Definitely Downloaded. I expect you to post some more rick! And more people must compliment more on teh mapzors!!!!1!!!1
I totally agree with everything orange just said, p.s. nobody tell him but I'm actually his father...
Even if you didn't post any pictures, I would have downloaded this. I'll expect the usual sweetness from this map...
I always liked this map. The only flaw though is the gauss turrets are too appealing for me. It's the only thing I do when I play this map, is blast anybody who goes outside. Doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone else though, lol. Poor map wanderers who've seen the wrath of my turret.
Liar! Where is teh cake?!? "In death, members of Project Mayhem have a name. His name is Robert Paulson." I am Jack's kill/death ratio. I still like going out there and throwing nades at the warthog gunner. Anyways, this map was pretty fun when we played that one night. Let's do it again.
Have you tried assuming the Party Escort Submission Position? That might help. Yup. Those explosives under and on top of the turrets were put there just because of you, Neverless. I hope you feel special. Everyone else: Thanks! I'm glad I have a good rep with you guys. I don't know about "master"... but I do like it, lol.
This is a pretty cool map, Rick. I did a forgethrough this morning and the first thing I did was blow up the gauss 'hog. What was total awesomeness is that the mongoose next to it came spinning at me in the resulting explosion and missed me by about a foot. It almost made me drop a load in my armor, lol. I like the layout of the different offices a lot. The art piece made of the barriers fell apart on me almost immediately when I tried to scale it, though. That was a little disappointing, but you did say it was fragile. I liked the back way in when you destroy the grav lifts. A cool idea that I might have to steal. I'm looking forward to playing on this, maybe at the next Furious Review...
Glad you liked your forge-through, Squid. And the explosive 'hogs serve the purpose of balancing out the map as well as being load-droppingly-awesome. Yeah, I wanted a slightly more stable structure, too, but two weapon holders (or other solutions) make it a little too stable. In any case, the two structures are both usable - before and after being destroyed - as steps to get to the second level. And yeah, anytime you want to play a round, let me know. And I would love to have this be part of the review... but we'll see how much time the other maps leave. They look pretty nice.
Yeah, I'm digging the other maps too. With a smaller group and a more structured layout, we might be able to squeeze this in. It would be very cool. I'll shoot you a FR in the morning. Dude. That is the greatest amalgamated quote ever. EVER.
Hmm... looks like we probably will be doing this as a little add-on to the review. Squidhands, can I count on you for a full-ish review (even though it's not in the official playlist)?
Every day I'm just shocked at what people can do with barriers, I could never of thought of that. I can't add much right now, but it'd be nice if you could put in some more BBcode into your post. I put it up for download, now I just need to wait for my 360 to get fixed.. in like a month.
Hey I',m ganna download it and give you a nice review then (I'll edit my post) Because I wont be able to find this map again if I don't post in it =P
Sigged, his name is Robert Paulson. My personal peeve with this map is that it doesn't direct the player or alert them of anything, they are to discover the entire thing for themselves. I think that it would be better on 1-sided assault, sheerly to make it easier for players to wrap their heads around it. Actually, never mind sigged, that's my new description thingy. Great map yet again Cosmic!