@Reaper of Bunny Compliments: I like how you overlayed apples, it's a good technique for the actualy tag. A also like the lighting on the face, though i'm not sure if it was you. One more thing that i like is the purple and the sparking-the sig seems very constant. Criticizime: Though I sayed i liked how you did the tag, i'm not sure i like where it is, my eye doesn't follow to it, it just seems awkwardly placed. Another thing is how the hair seems a little too close in likeness to the white C4D. It almost(doesn't, but almost) looks like an extension of the renders hair.I would suggest either darkening or lightening either the C4D or the render's hair. One more thing is the top right looks a little bland, while the rest of the backround is a vibrant purple, i'd just consider adding a little colour up there. This signature is alright, though i've seen you do much better. Overall 2.5/5 (considering how well i know you can do, i'm being a little harsh with the marking). If you do the v2 i'd be excited to see how it turned out though.
@Smeagle: Compliments:I don't have too much to say about this other than the fact that i ****ing love it. It's a very original style, usual the chief is associated with ass kicking and technology, while this is badass oldschool and veryy artistic! I like the lines that you used, to connect like the shoulder to gun etc... Criticizime: The only thing i would say that could use some help is that the text is a little too small for my liking;i can't read it. ------------------------------------------------- My new sig, not really compicated, just wanted to try out some simple smudging: CnC please! PS: Does anyone know how to put animations in sigs like rain or whatever?
There are many ways. The easiest, is to just download this Script, then do the same thing you would do when saving a brush to Gimp, except this would be a script. GIMP 2.4 Animated Rain Script by *fence-post on deviantART The sig is pretty nice. I like what you did with the background. How did you do it? I'd say it all blends in pretty well.
Thanks, and for how to blend it, i duplicated the render a bunch of times and moved it over the layer, merged down so it's all one layer(the copies,not the render), hid the original render, then used the vine brush with 75% opacity, fade out 82, rate 90, and spacing 0. then i just brushed outwards from where the sig was. Then unhide then render, then smudge the rim of the figure outwards(in the same direction as the background) with the "X" brush, and derr ya go! Hope that makes some sense lol
Well, the text is only there for effect. I didn't intend to have any text, it just seemed like an alright idea. And thanks alot! As for yours, I think it is okay for a smudge, but the smudging itself looks very uniform. Try distorting it slightly to the sides towards the bottom. And also, blur the smudging a bit to add depth. Good job though.
Well, I would cnc some stuff, but there aint much to cnc. so here is one of mine. I will return the favor if u cnc though.. dont worry
Very interesting spagettii. I would say the colors are a bit too strong, so you might want to desaturate them. To do this, make a new layer on top of everything, then apply the image, desaurate it, and set it to darken at about 25%. The flow is pretty good though. Good job on that. The only other problem I see is it it a little too big. I'd advise you to make your signatures a bit smaller from now on, to give people less things to complain about. And I'm not saying that because you're not good. Because you are.
@SPAGETTII Compliments: It's a little punk, and a little seducind, just thought i'd thow that out there. It reminds me of the chick from Almost Famous. I love how vibrant it is, it's pretty mesmerizing. The widescreen border you did really complete the feel of the overall signature. I like the splash effect you did, it's almost like she's holding her glasses to protect herselft from the spray, good job! Criticizme: The only thing I would say, which is the most problem for most sigs i find, is the tag. The font you used is very suiting, but it's hard to see, and hard to find. I didn't see it until the third time i glanced up at the pic. I'd either move it or it or englarge it a little, though the size seems quite appealing as is. Something i'd try(just to see how it looks) is put an opaque version of your tag in the glasses, reversed. It would be pretty cool, though i'm not sure how well it would work because the glasses are very busy as is, and it might be too hectic if you add it...but yeah. Great sig, 4.5/5 PS: You should do a tut sometime if you're bored, because i've seen some of your other signatures and they're all quite brilliant.
I don't really like how the ripples are so distinct, but that's just me. Also, the colors are too overpowering, tone it down a bit. I can't distinguish what the text says, although I'm guessing it's your name. I don't like big sigs either, but again might be just me. For the good stuff I like the widescreen border and the positioning of the render/stock. Background is very neat. CnC please?
alrighty...for your first, the smudging is too much for me....overdone a bit. The text effect used wasn't that good either, and always remember the 2/3 rule for text... second sig: geometry....nice idea, but then MC totally and completely ruins it....agreed, alone it would be too plain, but that just means the specific way it was made, just wasnt a good plan...the text, same as above stated... third and final: best IMO, just there is no flow....the flow should be going like \ from bottom right to top left.....keep in mind, NOT from top left TO bottom right, yet like i said it. You need to look at SigTutorials.com - The best Signature Tutorials! for a good tut on text placement, just look at the tutorials section, they have a sticky I believe about text placement..... Anyways, how about my sig, i spent around 2 hours on it, and I believe it is my best!
Thanks guys I really appreciate all the feedback.. it is really helpful. And i will definitely consider making a tut. When I try out the stuff you all told me, i will post the final in here again. Thanks again guys, and im glad u like it.. it took me forever to make. Whales as for your sigs: #1.) I like the flow, it pulls your eyes into the stock. The colors work really well also. What I don't like is the text first of all. The placement is not bad but the color doesnt really fit with the sig. I also think that you should distort the outside of the render a bit more. #2.) The flow isnt as good. the grid feature takes away from the flow for sure. The shapes within the grid seem to be flowing randomly. The other thing that I don't like is the lack of depth.. try doing something to that black empty background and lastly try to contain all of the colors by making some sort of gradient map. Thats just me.. overall its not too bad and i like it. #3.) I really like this one. The fractals work really well with the sig in addition to the transparent borders. I love the grungey look of the crahsers. I can't tell if you already have one but I would toss a c4d in there and make it pretty transparent just to add depth. Otherwise it looks very good. Oh, BTW CNC THIS
oh sorry dude, I thought that bold text was just part of you sig. Well here you go.... sdrakulich I can tell it is an awesome sig right off the bat. The render is really well cropped.. especially between the hair like that. I love the simplicity of te sig. It has a melo, underwater feeling to it. The desings behind the chick are a really nice touch of color as well. Here is what I don't like, The pink on the girl's shirt is distracting even though its small. It would be cool if it was orange to match the scheme. Also, the render stands out too much. try smuding, blurring, or doing a clipping mask around her body. Also, a little darkening around the outside might be a good touch too. Overall though, 4.5/5 awesome sig
before I go to bed, I got a quickie...well not really I can tell you firstly, is that some spacing is not right with it...I'd ...idk with the spacing lol For the colors I'd tone down a bit, maybe add more fluent colors, not jagged. As for the lighting, I dun really like it, its light on bottom right, dark on bottom left. I'd make it more evenly spaced, and make the colors smoother. Topaz vivacity would be good to dab right over it! The render is quite nice, although a little oversharpened on the base of the ship... Lastly, the flow is off, its radial, but only from middle to bottom left is where it is noticable....thats pretty much it As for the text, i suggest going with a sans or sans serif font, I think that would greatly improve your sig.... What helped me most with text, was, of course, the tut on sigtutorials.com, as well as a video tutorial created by the owner of the site, found ad sigtutorials on blip.tv watch it at the end, where he does the text.....i do the brushing regularly now on the back of my texts Anyways, good night!
I'm not sure which sig to critique, so I'll comment on Sdra's cause to me it looks the best on this page. At first I really like it, though the text is really misleading, try something different with it. The orange/red swirls and whatnot usually don't look good on a blue BG, but on this it does because it compliments the render. Maybe you could try blending in the render up the top and the sig is too bare up the top, aswell.. 7.5/10 for me. My turn.