A sticky please if possible to make sure the competition stays running. Hello there fellow forgers as some of you may know i am thepredator720 and i have been around forge hub since late january (even though it shows since april). anyways since the lazy map makers competition there havent really been any serious map competitions so i decided to make a competition of my own, and that is... The Best Symmetical Map Competition it seems pretty simple and it is all you have to do is make a symmetrical map that: a.) looks good b.) has great gameplay c.) has original qualities please post your submissions HERE judges: thepredator720 camoflaug GreenGunner Draw The Line Linubidix sorry im not that rich so i cant really give you any money if you end up winning. But what you will get is lots of bragging rights and be allowed to put these in your sig: (if i catch anyone with any of these in thier sig before the winners are announced i will report them) If you get in first you get this: If you get in second you get this: If you get in third you get this: okay now for the rules... 1. It must be symmetrical 2. There arent any restrictions on who can submit 3. No copying others maps it has to be YOUR OWN map, any copys of others will be disqualified 4. No restrictions on forging techniques 5. Can be set up for any number of players above 2v2 6. It doesnt have to be MLG 7. The map must be set up for Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories (conquest is fine), 1 flag, 1 bomb, and neutral bomb. 8. A link to the map must be separate post and not in a reply 9. Submission must be up to Forge Hub standards 10. All submissions must be made by November 15th 11. all original symmetrical maps allowed (eg. rats nest, standoff, foundry, avalanch, and valhalla) 12. you are only allowed to submit 1 map per person. this is how we will be judging: playability /10 aesthetics /10 final mark /20 good luck and have fun :happy:
here's a suggestion, dont show the sigs before someone wins, someone can just save your sig and use it.
More emphasis should be placed upon playability than anything else. A map can look great but who gives a rat's ass if it isn't fun to play on? Playability should be rated out of 10, and everything else should be weighted out of 5. We've reached a point where we all know what good interlocking and geo-merging is. It's the gameplay that separates the truly good maps from the bad.
agreed, the mere fact that you have playability out of 5 and interlocking out of 10 is already headed down the wrong path, and is a bad influence on the forging community. I'd suggest re-thinking your scoring methods. In fact, I wouldn't even have that category at all if I was you. Scoring should look a little more like this: playability /10 aesthetics /10 (really should be out of 5, but 10 if you must) interlocking falls in the aesthetics category, and gametype setup falls under playability
no i will make a separate post for you to post them in. but not just yet i am waiting for some more interest with the community
Crosswire is when they're mirrored. Like if you have 2 symmetrical openings, and on the left hand side of each you add a wall. Looking straight on they're symmetrical but from an over head view they're different. Example of Crosswire symmetry
Crosswire symmetry is also known as rotational symmetry, for those confused. When you rotate the object 180 degrees it looks the same as it did before.
Forge isn't a map editor in the sense of deforming or adding terrain. You won't flatten mountains, drop in new buildings, or re-route rivers. Instead, it lets you move around the map and place weapons, vehicles, equipment, scenery objects, teleporters, and spawn points. ------------------------------- selleys social media optimization
well crosswire sounds better... Anyways, can we make a crosswire symmetrical or rotational symmetry based map? And do the weapons and equipment have to be the same, or do we just have to make the map's geometry the same.
yes the geometry and weapons have to be the same except for when it is a 1 sided game and then the weapons and equipment are allowed to be assymetric (basically the scenery stays and the weapons can change to the teams advantage or disadvantage)
I'll be a judge but I also believe that you should change the scoring. /10 for Gameplay /10 for Aesthetics weapons and spawns fall into playability.
all right i will change it because it makes more sense and we wont start marking some until draw the line settles into a new home
Rat's Nest I'm about done with my Rat's Nest map, I was wondering about when exactly it starts, My Brother is moving to florida in a month about, and he's taking our Xbox with him, and I need to post my map before that. Ok, you put up the thing, nevermind on that first one, alsso since its on Rat's Nest, does interlocking really matter? There's geomerging in it, but not alot, since it is ... [Rat's Nest.] so will that be an issue? I'm working on Spawning location, and placing objective sites, and what-not. So I'll be posting up very sooon to all those who are wanting to play a different style map and games, like CTF and Assault's sister variants, that have evolved. :happy: