Requesting some help with HTML and Websites Hey guys, i'm working on a website, but unfortunately i have little or no knowledge of how one works. I am prepared to learn but i would like some guidance so i can head off in the right direction. Things like. - What are the best programs to use? - Are there any good free hosting sites? - Does it have to be written in HTML? My Skype name is IVLatty. I would recommend you get that to communicate because it's pretty good.
look on html code sites. It is laid out there pretty well. But other than the basic codes you'll need a decent website programing software.
Im helping him right now, but lol, if anyone wants to host and buy a domain for him, i got the rest covered
For hosting, you might want to check this stuff out. Free Web Hosting - Free PHP Hosting, MYSQL, FTP, Ad-Free and Free Domain Names - Zymic free web hosting Or Web Hosting, Free Web Hosting and Web Tools from - Free Hosting. Macromedia Dreamweaver is fine. And if you need help with SQL databases and PHP just PM me.
I use that one and I have no problems with it. I'd definitly recommend it. Also, try for HTML. That's where I learned. As for a program, I just use Notepad for coding. If I'm doing something more complicated I'll use Dreamweaver but not very often.
I also have very little knowledge of the techy side of websites but I've been fiddling with dreamweaver and tis good. The ability to create things WYSIWYG and then view the html for it is helpful. Trying it hands on is easier than reading a bunch of books or webpages imo. ImageShack - Hosting :: booshcentralue2.jpg ^Mallet hax lul