I have heard that new weapons will be with the title update 3 and one will be a tazer that doesnt let you move for 6 seconds.Also an new armor premutations.Also a human equipment that has to do with a small turret that pops up. The maps seem cool but i have a pic to longshore i cant show it but i could tell about it.
ARE you absofuckinlutely positive, because this is highly doubted. Also, why can't you show the Longshore pics, it's not like you work for Bungie, right?
^ wtf was that Jimbo? Made no sense... No, I have heard no such rumors, probably some hopefuls on live, that's it. There is really no need for new weapons, and the "taser" you described would not fit Halo gameplay in any way shape or form. Do you realize how crucial 6 seconds are? Not even Bungie is that stupid.
dude i cant show the pic because it was given to me by SketchFactor. The map looks like it is on the campaign level The ark. The map seems like a bowl shaped with many leges Well thats what i heard from people
lol you fail dude hahahahhahahahhaahhaha anyways, it is a lie, i KNOW it, you KNOW it, EVERYONE KNOWS IT!!!
Where is the fail source for these lies? All of that is completely crazy, and will never happen. A little early to make up crap about a non existent TU3 isn't it? Oh, and looking at the post above me, that is rep abuse that you gave to sdrak, Black Magic105. Not like it would affect him at all though. This thread needs to be locked. I don't think anyone here at Forge Hub appreciates these kind of threads.
how is that unjust...if not that i disagree with his post, which is what it ASKS for... What do you think of ____'s post? I didnt like it, therefore, I neg repped it....I dont like it when people lie, therfore, the neg rep!
xX5w33ny7oddXx, I agree with sdrak, and I believe that the -rep was justified. The recipient certainly deserved it. I feel inclined to -rep him as well, but I think that what he got from sdrak was good enough. A bit too much on a fairly new member.
Ya I dont think this new equipment is going to be on any new maps or campaign your friends are probably just messing with you. But who knows its bungie!
umm....link first of all, for some proof. secondly i wish they were doing all that stuff. where did you here these lies?
If I said I do not like icecream, and you disagree would you - rep me? No, that is absurd. If I stated a lie, and you insulted me in posts publicly, and then sent a nice little message with some - rep, is that just? I fail to see both sdrak and warfang's reasoning. This kid is fibbing, or is he? I agree, this sounds like bs, but unless you know for certain is it right to - rep him? If not that, call the kid an idiot in front of the internet? Please, stick with one or the ****ing other dude, because we'll just get another scopegrunt or yomtvraps on our hands. Either tell him in the thread with good reasoning why he is wrong, not "OMG YOU A Fukcin idiot!!!11!!1 lololo11!!!" or send him - rep saying "In the future, do not post rumors unless you have actual facts, pictures, or other forms of proof to support your claim." Children, I want you to gather round, cause this is very important. +/- rep is a tool to encourage good forum behavior, not another reason for you little kiddies to squeal with joy at the havok you cause. I am sure mommy gets enough of that at home Back on topic. Listen, dude, as I stated before, if you heard this from someone else, they are lying. TU2 just came out almost a year after the first, Bungie would not release another TU. What you are thinking of are perhaps the new Mythic Map pack (no details yet specified) and a possible (but rumored) campaign expansion, which probably won't happen. Second, Halo 3 has quite enough weapons and equipment, few of which aren't even used for matchmaking at all, such as the sentinal beam or flare. More weapons would be pointless, and the idea of a taser that stuns for 6 seconds, longer than a respawn time is ridiculous. Halo is fast moving, and not being able to move for 6 second would greatly harm gameplay. Lastly, as for Longshore, nothing is known about it. However, my best friend met a guy online who has recon, claiming he got it for being one of bungies multiplayer testers, and has gotten to play Citadel (my friend thinks he mentioned that one) and Longshore. The guy says that longshore is very much like Relic in many regards, and theories are out their that longshore is a remake of that Halo 2 map. Now, I have yet message this guy, or look at his Bungie profile, so until I extract more details, I will not live by this possible lie, but for now I am using it to possibly denounce many theories out there. Now that the original comment has been replied to properly, a mod should lock this before more rep abuse is seen.
Yes, the second would be a perfectly valid reason, and I, nor you, nor warfang, has stated a lie, yet that dude has, therefore the -rep. I told him the second, that nothing until he gets pictures, and for SURE its not true, just read the comments.....you're trying to prove yourself rights, but not looking at other posts....it doesnt work like that. Okay, if its to encourage good forum behavior, talking lies, obviously is bad forum behavior. Therefore, I -repped him, and its STILL perfectly valid. why lock, I dont see any more rep coming, and if I do, I'll report it, simply put. tyvmkthnxbai lol you put too much time into dissing me..... ALSO BONUS PART: to see who actually backs me up here......
Seriously guys, who gives a ****? So some kid posted some bullshit lies on the internet..not like that hasn't happen before omg. Neg rep him, call him a dumbass whatever. Move on, stop insulting and battling among eachother, and stop continuing to "humiliate" this kid, as that obviously the attention he wanted. Please someone just lock this thread before neg rep goes flying willy nilly and the rep CS thread gets 10 posts added. Thanks.
It's been said many times there wont be any new armor,theres a little chance there might be new weopons,but I dought it
Since your refferring to a TU3 and then the new map, do you mean the Mythic Map pack; not TU3? Also the new equipment you mentioned would be an auto turret(Usable in campaign). It would be utterly overpowered to use in MM and Bungie has stated there will be no new armor permutations(Multiple times). Plus a tazer that makes you get stunned? This doesnt exactly sound like H3...