Dang, I missed that series compliments of my sister. Go Str8, happy that FB didn't get into the finals.
2-2 Str8 Vs TD. GO Triggers Down! Str8 deserves to lose after their big talk about becoming a dynasty.
For anyone watching the Construct King match right now, I just want to point out that Snipedown is worse with rockets than I am. And I'm pretty bad.
Str8 just fell apart. And they don't deserve to lose because they talk about becoming a dynasty. Don't understand that logic.
Hah, got that right. It looked like he wanted to cry, lol. Str8 better step it up for this game. 2-1 for tD, it's tight.
That team slayer match between TD and St8 was intense, down to the last kill. As for who I want to win, I have no clue. Disappointed in Final Boss, but TD deserved the win, because they did not lack confidence. I am probably leaning more towards TD taking Dallas right now.
Amazing team slayer for those who just watched it. Snipedown is beast with a sniper, really had St8 make a come back.
Holy ****! Snipedown is a beast. Man than was close, props to SK and Karma at the end, they clutched it. That should have been Str8's win btw.
They were arrogant and pretty much insulted everyone else. For that I think they didn't deserve a win.
**** that was sick, str8 lost in spite of snipedown ****ing owning towards the end. I'm glad TD and especially karma got the win.
I would hardly call that arrogant, and how did they insult anybody? They are consistently the best team, TD is now the only team close to them in that respect. They deserve to be a little cocky. As for TD winning, glad it was them over anyone else. I can't really comment on the game though, cause VoD was lagging for me atrociously. EDIT: Great job Karma. I've been saying he needs a new team the whole season.
I hate triggers down, and elamite is way under rated. He basically plays like me, doesn't give a **** about his stats as long as they win.
Don't you mean you try to play like him... Anyways, I don't hate tD, but I'm not at all a fan of FearItSelf and Hysteria. If anything good came out of tD winning, it was Karma finally getting another win, he definitely deserved it. But Snipedown deserved it even more with all that sick sniping at the end there.
But elamites -13 in that game didn't help. Also: Gandhi ESPN Sat Night Dallas Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room Greatest moment ever, I love how if you listen to him after he gawks at his own kill he just goes, "oops". Gandhi ftw.
HELL YEAH!! I love Triggers Down, especially Hysteria and Karma. I watched just the last minute (46-46 i think). Anyway, great battle! tD FTW!
Idk, same thing. I play support and play as smart as possible to help the team win. I guess it is cool Karma won though, he was really the only one trying on Carbon. It just seemed like the rest of the team just wasn't there.
Str8>TD T2 definitely didn't have the greatest tournament, and I don't think Legit and Snipedown did their best either. Elamite, minus that last game, was the only one that really didn't look off alot of the time. They also just fell asleep games 4-6 or 7 in the champ game. I was sure they were going to win in game 4. They'll win Vegas.
Watch Triggers Down vs Str8 Rippin Game 11 Video | Major League Gaming Best game all season except maybe for the orlando finals onslaught ctf game.