high I.Q. low cordination unable to hold temper burst into tears over the littlest things very picky when I eat artifitil stuff in food affects my mood and more I dont feel like thinking of
High I.Q. hmm sounds like this guy at my school and he has autism I think, he does stupid **** though. He really doesn't put thought into his actions, even though he is extremely smart.
one time I went to vanderbuilt (a very big and famous hospital in nashville) and I took an I.Q. test and in the 1st half I scored 140 and I didn't bother to do the second half. following that logic I'm the child equivelent of albert einstin.I scored a 170 on one part and thats alot
That is pretty amazing, but if you are that smart shouldn't you know that you put 140 originally and after put 170? lol
Seems to me like it's more personality than symptoms. There are ways to control your temperature, even if you get pissed easily. You're just not using up your energy enough, or you're having family related issues. Ahh crap, are you stalking me?
There are quite a few kids in my school that are autistics. I don't mind it. My grandma had brothers with problems, so I've learned to respect it. And respect everyone with disabilities of any kind. I'm glad, and happy to be healthy. That is so wrong! XD!
crap except for that last one, I have all those symptoms... and horrible OCD... and DSPS, which is another syndrome called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome which makes it impossible for me to go to sleep earlier than 2 am...