Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing that's the link to this map this is my first post on forgehub enjoy it may not look very pleasing but actually it is hours of fun , and everyone whom i have played on it with have agreed thats the top right ahnd corner sniper spawn splaaaazar spawn shotgun camping cave invisi spawn this is a competetive/Mlg map that is hilariously fun to play.
Ok so your pictures aren't working but someone will come and post a tutorial. Some other things you may want to fix are your map descriptions. Both here on ForgeHub but also on Bungie. It's kind of obvious you just took the Grifball map and built on that, so you know change your description and give credit to the makers of Grifball if you used their wall (or other things). Also you may want to edit the thread's name because MLG map isn't very attractive and you're supposed to have your maps name in it
ok im sorry about my pics please send me a link to the tutorial and ... where did you get griffball from? i just deleted everything on foundry and made my own thing