Main Creators: Bartoge, Fatal Helpers: Gkoo, Drew{some ideas}, and all that helped playtest Download Here Intro Welcome, one and all to Cyvision. This is my fifth major forge project and its finally completed. Cyvision is a completely symmetrical map made mainly for 4v4. It takes up about 3/5 of all of Foundry, and is my biggest map so far. Description Basically, there are two bases across from each other. Each has a top and lower part. The lower contains one mauler. Now in between each base are 3 paths to take. There is the hill, a large hilly region, the middle, the center path with a bridge section, and the back wall, a place where the finger structures hold. Each area has its advantages and disadvantages. Note about aysmmetrical games: In aysmmetric games the two teams spawn at different places: the hill and back wall. This offers different gameplay every time you start it up. Statistics Gametypes - Slayer - Team Slayer - Multi Flag - Assualt - Territories Weapons - AR X2 - BR X4 - Sniper X1 - SMG X4 - Rockets X1 {symmetrical only} - Turret X1 {asymmetrical only} - Mauler X2 Equipment - Frags X6 - Plasmas X7 - Spikes X2 - Regenerator X2 - Power Drain X1 Vehicles - Mongoose X2 - Ghost X1 Geomerged items- 21 {record for me} Now although you may think the gameplay will suffer from all the power weapons and stuff. It doesn't and they're not the main focus of the game. After my 10 trail games the gameplay did not suffer at all, and stayed strong until the end. PICS ACTION PICS Well I hope you enjoy the map. Gkoo- helped with some aesthetics Drew- gave us some ideas {different versions for different gametypes} DOWNLOAD CYVISION HERE ENJOY
wow man this looks really good, the layout is kind of like an MLG map too except different weapons, not symmetrical (and that's fine), and there's vehicles. man this looks really cool nice job with it! hope u get some downloads and if you're lucky it could get featured if more people like it too!
this is really well made i ccan tell u spent ur time nice map;... interlocking is smooth some structures arent that original... but they are well made and look like the playability is AMAZING nice job... weapons seems okay... i want to HAZ now... 5/5
wow ;D This is forged very good. Everything is nice and clean. The hill with the ghost on it makes me want to think that; when im just enjoying my stroll up the hill a ghost hits me XD. Still Very very nice ^_^ (oh and the structure on the south side is like the ribs on ribcage, inspiration maybe?)
I think I smell the aroma of a feature cooking in the oven. Very good job its so smooth and neat. Well done. Gameplay looks amazing.
very creative. I like how you made the map simple and no catch to the map, looks good 5/5 nice interlocking on of the best that ive ever seen.
I like how even though you got a lot of your ideas from other maps (ribcage) you still had some neat ideas that you came up with like the ghost hill. Great job with the interlocking and the amazing geomerging. I really like the look of this map, I hope it plays as good as it looks. Definitely worth a download!
I must say, this is a very good map. The interlocking is nearly flawless and the geo merging is close to perfect. My personal Favorite part of the map is the hill in the middle. It looks like a very fun feature, also the hill could be used for good cover if you back up when your getting shot at. The weapon placement is great, and the gameplay looks good. Basicaly this map would be very fun and interesting. I would give you 4.7/5!! Outstanding job.
Hey guys, I am Fatal, the dude who helped make this map! Thanks for all the good comments, and thanks to all who DLed.
Looks like a good one, Ill DL! very cool ideas by the pics, like others said, its simple but its also very well put together.
Ye, the map looks really cool, and all in all it is a 5/5, but: Looks breakable (e.g. at the gost spawn) some interlocked objects do not have the same height. But not many. Not too bad. Thats all negative aspects? Now what I like: Thewallfloorthesniperspawntherocketspawnandtheaestheticsaroundittheideawiththefencewallinsidetheoseboxesneartherocketspawnthehallwaybehindthosebarricadesthelayouttheusabilityoftheghostthebalance breath oh, I think thats almost everything Good job!
great wow i really like that geo merging. And that ramp for the vehicles looks pretty cool.But i think you could have put a little more things around the bases.But it looks great. If you ever have any time try and teach me how to geo merge those boxes like ramps. great map. 5/5
whoops I think your bungie account is messed up. Because when i tried to download it says your account was not linked to your ganercard.
very nice map i like the > shaped merging with the fence walls the big rampis cool geomerges are nice mabey not barriers so much make an mlg version weponset