Debate Sarah Palin: Stupider or Stupidest?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Because she lives in Alaska, of course! She can see Russia from her house. She can help stop the great and terrible Communist plot of sapping and impurifying our precious bodily fluids. McCain and Palin '08.
  2. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    I disagree. I think that his ability to be black (see what i did there) is what sets him apart from an equally as good speaker who was, lets say, white.

    This debate is invalid, and everyone who has posted in it has failed, except for me, because I'm deleting this post momentarily.

    if you're reading this, you're a very special person
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Quoted, for good times.
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Palin scares me. As soon as I watched some videos outlining her religious fate, I was seriously scared. No one, who so blindly follows religion, leaving behind all reason, deserves to be vice president, or in politics at all.

    She is McCain's tool, a method of which he and the republicans hope will bring popularity for multiple reasons (a woman, family mom, more attractive than many women who sell their souls for politics). She has no idea what she is talking about, and leaves it up to God. Can't find the source, but to my knowledge she even said it was "God's will to drill for oil in Alaska"! She also fired people (as Mayor of her town no less) for their religious beliefs. When people are saying we are loosing all Constitutional rights, electing her into office alongside McCain is the worst thing possible, because then we will loose the separation of Religion and State.

    No, I wouldn't know what to think if she won, it is a scary thought.
    DocMan and squidhands like this.
  5. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Yes, Chilli was joking. It was taken from Colbert Report, and as you know, he makes all his jokes by pretending to be completely serious about a subject.

    Along with what Sweeny was saying, I do also think that Palin's overzealous religious beliefs diminish her ability of free thinking. That doesn't mean I think she's unintelligent, in fact part of what scares me so much about her is her intelligence. I think it's a mistake to underestimate her. But back to my point, I kinda feel like she may be a little too easy to control and manipulate.

    Politics is a tricky game and if she's distracted by religious zealotry then it may be a little too easy for McCain to get what he wants out of her. That's what I like about the Obama-Biden ticket; both are individuals with reasoned and intelligent minds. They are able to disagree with each other, whereas in the VP debate Sarah Palin was nearly idolizing anything to do with McCain. She gave the impression that whatever he says is the right way to go.

    Not to mention all the outright lies she told, and misleading information. To be fair, there was a little bit of that as well on Biden's part, but I feel that Palin's was more intentional and deceitful. I got the feeling that she had more to hide. Whereas Biden was addressing the issues and presenting facts to back up everything he was saying, Palin was attacking anything he said, and talking about Alaska. Jesus, if I was one to drink, I coulda made a drinking game with how much she talked about damn Alaska in the debate. The woman appears to know nothing about the level of politics she's getting herself into.
  6. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    Shes a better canidate just for the fact that she's with McCain. Obama is a joke. I'm not going to vote for someone because the left winged media tells me too.I could write a 10 page essay on why Republicans are better. If Obamas elected he's going to pull us out of a war that we need to win. He's a moron. I think that there was like at least 100 times where he was supposed to vote yes or no and hevoted present. Come one. So that's why I'm going to vote for Palin. She won't ruin everything.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I can only hope you aren't old enough to vote. Just as you've ignore the left winged media, you've unfortunately been listening to the right winged media. And if you're the kind of person who only votes Republican, then I have lost a lot of respect for you.

    It really confuses me how anyone can always vote Republican or Democratic. I'll vote for whichever candidate will be best for our country, not what their political background is.

    I'd love to see that 10 page essay. Really.
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  8. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Yeah, that was ridiculous, yomtvraps. You've made up your mind without listening to both sides, and you're talking about not thinking what someone else wants you to think? Huh? Get your head checked man, 'cause there's something important missing in there.

    Here's what get's me though. He talked about 'winning the war'. WTF? There is no winning in this situation. As long as people still talk about 'winning the war', it's never going to end.
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    There is nothing wrong with Sarah Palin she is really well informed of the world around her and she is very intellegent. If you ask me it seemed what she said made more sense then Biden, I couldnt understand him at all.
  10. dunczorz

    dunczorz Ancient
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    Stupidest. She can't do anything right, and nobody likes her.
  11. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Winning a war on terror is like trying to win a war on suicidal people its not possible because there will always be more.
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Do you have evidence to support your "theory" smart one?
    Ya no..
    She is perfect for her position I cant help you are sexist

    Oh btw I like her! :p
  13. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    And your twelve please do some research please as you contradicted yourself by not posting any points to counter anybody else's. Besides she wants to drill in Alaska for more oil if we get a death in office with McCain guess who we get as a replacement *shudder*.
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ok im 12 you make no sense
    I am 15 smart one I dont know who told you im 12?
    And we need to drill in alaska otherwise gas prices will just continue to go up.
  15. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    This video covers a few reasons why she would not be a good political leader:

    It may seem offensive and I may look like an ignorant sexist ****, but I'm not actually, this video is more a joke than anything. lmao at the end part.

    Anyway, I don't even live in the USA and I know that Sarah Palin is a dumb *****, she doesn't have any of the experience. She's got a massive family to take care of. Becoming a political leader is a little irresponsible imo, she wouldn't have the time to spend with her family, she would be too busy.
    Or she wouldn't be able to lead the country as she would be spending too much time with her family.
  16. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    You're uh... joking with these posts right? You gotta be... otherwise you're in like the top 5% of stupidest people in this country.

    "Well informed of the world around her"? Like all these newspapers she reads?

    How am I not suprised that you were confused by facts and logic? It's already been said that Biden won the debate on points. Maybe he just didn't say "Y'all" enough for your tastes.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    0_o Ok Im done here lol Im republican and have an opinion I should avoid you people on arguing I will probably lose lol
    ^ well said btw lol
    Y'all wtf?
    Im not southern?
  18. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    WTF? this coming from the kid who said he was 12 and didn't know the meaning of contradicting? huh......maybe that was a different kid who likes avatar or something. Anyway im pretty sure that we don't know EXACTLY how much oil is actually in Alaska its pretty much an estimate. Besides even if we DO drill in Alaska thats only a delay from the inevitable the oil running out and us being back at square one. A better idea would be to fund research for alternative fuel sources. Besides its the profits from the oil minus building the equipment and paying people to use it. And you probably couldn't understand Biden because your IQ is somewhere near mentally retarded just not there yet.
  19. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Good thinking. A debate forum is probably not the best place for a typical 15yr. old to be.
  20. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Im 12 dude...............................(offensive)

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