Working at a Church Rectory has to be the worst thing in the ****ing occupational world. Seriously. Besides minimum wage (which these days for a youngster like me, $7.25 in the State of New York is nothing much to complain for) you get no added benefits. Why? Because it's a church, they don't sell things or distribute or anything of the sorts. (You know kind of like 65% off on clothes at Journey's Clothes or 15% off Wendy's Orders for Employee's) I have been working here for a couple of months now, and I have been working countless shifts for free. They spell my name wrong on all of my checks, so when they do decide to pay me, I can't cash my **** in anyway. Tell me a worst story, so I can make fun of someone else besides me.
I get $15 an hour for keeping time at a football game. I dont really need the money, its just for spending. You can haz it
I worked at Empire Coating in my town for 6 months. They paid me $8.00 an hour, which is better than minimum wage, i know, and REQUIRED me to work 6 days a week, 55 hours a week. It is a factory where we painted parts for military, computer places and other companys. The paint fumes were bad. The paint was cancerous. It was continuously 100+ degrees in there constantly. The bosses didnt give a **** if you had a problem. 90% of the workers were crackheads. Every dude in the factory gave me problems and wanted to fight me because i had the only attractive looking girl in the building [my gf worked there too.] the bosses constantly moved me around because they expected me to do the jobs that 35 year old dudes who can lift 200+ pounds should do, while the jobs that i would excell at, went to lazy ****in people who didnt bother to do the job. eventually i just quit, because they treated me like i was the worst employee there. ps, the chemicals i worked with, including liquid copper [which causes severe rashes] had horrible effects on my body, particularly my digestive system. that make you feel any better? i hope so.
I'm sorry for you job. Work is hell if you don't like the job you're doing. The last job I had was at a summer music camp, but I didn't have the problems you have at your job. Sorry dude.
My cat recently died because my 4 year old sister stuck her in a microwave. :[ No just kidding, I don't really have any bad stories for you. Hope things work out!
I'm on the Cobalt Racing Team, I race a BMW 330SI. No, but I would love to. I'm what you would call... spoiled, thats right I said it, I am spoiled. However I don't buy much other than a video game every couple of months and my parents give my $100 a month to pay for gas and I can use the rest for whatever.
I am saving for a car. Therefore, every dollar counts. And when I am wasting my time working for someone who can't pay me, I am irritated.
you have money left over for other things? i spend like $50 every 10 days in gas. now im just complaining, sorry. i just don't have a lot of spending money because of gas, car payment, insurance, cell phone, food. i bum money off my mom to pay for games n **** like that.
My only suggestion is to start looking for another job while you're working there. Not getting paid for working really isn't a job now is it? When you find something new, give them your two weeks notice. Its always important to leave on good terms because it will help you land better jobs in the future.
Back when I was 14 I cleaned a preschool. I had to clean the kids toilets and any mess they made on the floor. Vomit, crap, anything. For like five bucks an hour.
since I'm to young to acually work,I do volonteer work at the local dance/tumbling gym,but hot girls in tight clothes is all the payment I need.
You'll understand as you grow up, that getting play is the least of your worries as you grow up through your adolescence.
Get a different job. Really. It's not worth it if you're trying to get a car. Go work in a safe factory. One that has a good name. I work at a company called Stryker and I work in the assembly factory. Since I'm a temp worker I get 8.50 and hour, but if you are hired in you start at 13 dollars (or around there) an hour. Also, at my station I get at least an hour of overtime a day and an hour of overtime for me counts as an hour and a half of pay, so I get an extra 13 dollars. It's also really simple work. They trained me to be the parts runner. Pratically, I load a cart full of parts and put it in the painting area. I do that all day. Really easy. Agreed with him. Always put in your two weeks. No, you loose teh interwebs.