Map Title: Shafts... Not just another day at the office... Download Shafts... Download BTSP's "In The Shadows"... Description: Just a normal day at work right,"... Wrong you suddenly realize that you and your coworkers are trapped... No way out, and to top that off there are assassin's that have been plotting the attack on your office for weeks! They are on the rooftop and will soon be coming into your office via air shafts! Don’t panic, work together, and try to make it to the rooftop where it is somewhat safe, "yeah that’s right you will have to use the same air shafts in which the assassin's are coming down... In the game type suggested "in the shadows" humans have battle riffles, and the assassin's have pistols! Head shots only makes the games play vary intense especially since you only have one life per round, being an assassin's will be hard at first, you must know the map, develop a strategy, and work together also... Humans mainly start on the first floor... Best chance for survival is to work together and make it up to the roof... Never assume that a shaft is safe... Being alone will make you an easy target... The secret shafts is a quick access to the first floor, opened remotely "watch video"... Yeah this is me about to be wtf dead... The Video Made Was My First Video... [youtube]TwbV_e1ViJs[/youtube]
Re: Shafts... Yeah the trigger system simply yet very intuitive, "In the shadows" and Shafts could not go together any better...
Re: Shafts... Pretty cool, well done. I like the ramp made by bridges. And the manual door is cool too.