Cavernous v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LOCK.xcf, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    An underground war, fueled by wealth.
    Created By: LOCKdownN
    Gametypes Supported: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, CTF, Assault, Territories,
    Recommended Players: 4-10

    Back Story:
    Around the late 1800s, gold was becoming ubiquitous throughout California. Not only did people want it, they were willing to risk there lives for it.

    There has been stories told of an underground war, fueled be the lust for gold, oil, and most of all, wealth. This battle went on for years and years. Stories say it was between two mine corporations, greedy to get there hands on the oil and gold that sat around half a mile under there feet.

    After a while they did strike gold, and they did find oil, but they wanted more. So, they began to mine on the other companies land, which then resulted in the huge rivalry. Over the years, the rivalry became stronger.
    Too strong.

    Map Description:
    Cavernous is a fully symetrical map, using a different side of foundry.

    v2 changes are pretty minimal, but now you can no longer escape, and i fixed some spawning problems and weapon problems.

    Almost every foundry map that i see is made using the large and open part of foundry. It makes sence, more room, more space for creativity. I wanted to show that you don't need a large space, to make a good, if not great map. So, i set of to make Cavernous.

    Cavernous was originally based of Tunnel Raid, an older, non-foundry map. Bu, i wanted to have interesting, and aesthetically pleasing maps, so i looked at some featured maps, and saw i liked the Defenders base design on Machu Picchu. Although the bases don't look very similar to Machu Picchu, they were based of of it.

    The has a variety of weapons. Although the shotgun in the center seems like it would be overkill, and too over powering, its not. Me, and the other testers found that other weapons, which usually aren't considered a power weapon, do become one. This creates an interesting and original feel.

    • 2 Brute Shots
    • 4 Spikers
    • 4 Spike Grenades
    • 4 Battle Rifles
    • 2 Bubble Shields
    • 2 Fire Bombs
    • 2 Deployable Covers
    • 2 Assault Rifles
    • 1 Shotgun
    • 2 Plasma Pistols
    • 2 Plasma Grenades
    • 2 Carbines



    1 of 2 bases

    A not so secret Spike Grenade Spawn

    Brute Ledge looking out on the tower

    1 of 2 Mini Caves

    The Hallway

    Some of the cover the Hallway provides

    Shotgun Spawn. Watch out for those Fusion Coils.

    More Hallway Shots.


    The other base.

    The second Mini-Cave.

    Shot from the other Base.

    Action Shots from v1.


  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    a map by LOCKdownN??? PREPOSTEROUS?
    Anyways, i actually like this map...teh epic bases look uber, and ur definetely getting on the bungie playlists, with teh amazin flame grenadez!
  3. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Looks like a nice map, from what I can see. Perhaps you could include an overview picture of the map as a whole, I think it would be greatly beneficial. Although all the screens look pretty good individually, I can't really tell how the map flows together as a whole.

    Just working purely off what I can see in the pictures, the map looks pretty nice. It's good to know that I'm not alone in the world liking movable objects. It seems to many Foundry maps these days are just piles of walls and boxes. I think some barrells or pallets scattered around really adds some flavor to a map. I'll DL and give it a look when I get my Box back, but for now looks like a good 3.5/5
  4. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    looks nice.. not many ppl can pull of the back alley way like this... it looks fun but i would have to play to get my final consenses.... looks well forged and fun to play on nice layout... nice bases and such 5/5... weapons and all look good can tell u spent time on it nicee work and keep forgiing
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    i like it! not many maps use the back part of the map, but you nailed it. good job. overall, its pretty much perfect.
  6. Specs136

    Specs136 Ancient
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    looks pretty fun for multi flag. 3/5
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I remember when you first made this, and I'm glad you fixed some things on it.

    The back part of Foundry has been done before, but I don't think it has ever been done this well. The doors and barrels inside the hallway make it cramped and chaotic and even though it seems like you would see everything going on you really have to stay on your toes. The bases make for some interesting fights, usually coming down to outsmarting your opponent with maneuvers around cover. Overall it's a great, fun map and all the gametypes work really well with it

  8. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    This map is very unique. I like the idea of using that part of foundry. It looks great and i hope to go play it soon. 5/5. Keep on makin maps. If you have a chance try to check out my map,Nirvana.

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