Games that piss you off

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fbu, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Everyone has one, I know for one of my friend's it's DoTA. If he starts losing or gets killed (or actually anytime he plays it at all tbh) he'll go into the funniest rage I've ever seen. It's better when he plays with his brother because he won't hold back on the insults.



    Mine's TF2, especially when I'm playing the spy and some random motherfucker decides "HEY lets shoot at that ****ing rock!" that I just happen to be stealthing past. Prick.

    What game pisses you off?
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Definatly Phantasy Star Universe.I look at how big the ****ing map is and I'm like **** that,and then I go E-rape the girls on lve.
  3. TiledFloor

    TiledFloor Ancient
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    Oh the nostalgia. Games today don't really have an effect on me, for some reason. They just seem more lax and laid back. Those 2D side-scrollers were the epitome of rage to me.


    To this day, I have never mastered Mega Man. I find it the most annoying game ever. The enemies seem impossible to shoot, and to avoid. As your bouncing around the incredibly fast enemies are flying at you, and your pea shooter barely does a thing. ARGH.

    Mario seems to have a certain frustration value, but nothing compared to Mega Man. You seem to understand your mistakes, and try to correct them on the ensuing runs. But you always seem to make that mistake that gives you a game over, sending right back to the start. Now that was frustrating. Trying your hardest to find spare lives, while avoiding death itself. You never seemed to succeed, the enemies seemed to guard the coins and lives with more zeal than your crazy science teacher. Darn goombas...
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Mine's TF2, especially when I'm playing the spy and some random motherfucker decides "HEY lets shoot at that ****ing rock!" that I just happen to be stealthing past. Prick.

    What game pisses you off?[/quote]

    OH MY GOD, I feel the same way. Whats worse though is when you disguise yourself as an enemy and they're like "I'm gunna shoot at him to make sure he's not an enemy." and while you're disguised and getting shot you're all like "HOLY **** RUN!" I hate that.

    Other games that piss me off are Halo 3 when I'm shooting the guy in the head with the sniper and he wont die. I totally hate that...
  5. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
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    dance dance revolution. i can dance. just because i cant step on some arrows doesn't make me good.
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Halo 3. On those days when I go into Team Slayer, find out my teammates have Down Syndrome, die like crazy, yell at me for trying to help them, lose the game, and then my Skill goes down. Which is to say, every day.:surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg::surprise:mg:
  7. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Mortal Kombat

    All of them.

    Especially when i'm on hard and trying to defeat Scorpion to beat the game.

    There was one time, I just couldn't take it anymore, and threw the controller through the TV screen (it broke through, I chucked it that hard) kicked my original Xbox, sat down and had a seizure. This was a legitimate seizure, I had foam spilling out of my mouth and I was just yelling ****dkfnosainfoainsdojnfuckalskdlakmssshoelkfalkmesa.

    All of this is true story. My two cousins looking at me and watching the whole ordeal were scared to ****.

    And they had every right to be.

    Needless to say, I still have not beaten Scorpion.

    That motherfucker will have his day, I promise you.
  8. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Any game that has matchmaking. It really ruined Xbox Live. I would prefer to just join/create any server I want with changeable settings, maps, mods, etc (Which is why the PC wins, btw). **** the TrueSkill crap and ranks. It usually matches you up with totally random people anyway; sometimes you end up with complete retards, and sometimes you end up with uber godlike hax0rz...or you end up being against them. You usually can't pick the map/gametype in matchmaking, so it gets so ****ing annoying; like in Halo, for example. I played Lone Wolves awhile back and the game picked Oddball on ****ing Epitaph like seven times in a row, with the occasional Crazy King on The Pit. It has happened several times too...if you look at my games history, I played so many Oddball games on Epitaph. **** matchmaking.
  9. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Oddball is the only game.



    But no seriously. Trying to defeat scorpion was impossible. (Mortal Kombat: Deception)

    That motherfucker. It was like trying to play with a 10year old that had the intelligence of a 50 year old man but was too immature to pick other attacks.

    He always did that motherfucking attack, where he would teleport and hit you like 5 times. And you couldn't block because he'd end up behind you or something.

    Or that attack where he hits you with his chain and since it's considered a grapple, you can't block either. And then he'd combo you off that ****ing chain.

    Seriously. I want to know the motherfucker who decided to let Scorpion have these moves.
    Mallet likes this.
  10. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    mmm theres so many but the one that pisses me of the most? well it depends.

    The prologue mission in call of duty 4. I was very eager to get it done and get 1000g on the game but it seemed impossible. I tried it countless tries but what really pissed me off is when i got there by at least a second but i still failed.

    Thankfully i finally finished but at what cost?

    i agree with a lot of you with tf2. The spy can be very dangerous if you know what your doing, but those lucky/annoying players that shoot everyone just in case. like wtf?

    The game that pissed me of the most would have to be Rock band, why you might ask. Well don't get me wrong i love those sought of games but not when im stuck on the last song on the game. So close but so far
  11. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I get pissed off at Grid when I lose because someone beats me with in a second and I can't restart or rewind time. Halo 3 can piss me off, but Battlefield Bad Company is the worst of all. I got so f^&king mad sometimes when I played it.
  12. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    halo 2, fighting tartarus on legendary. it was incredibly angering. jedi power battles on the ps1 as well... having battle droids punch mace windu to death was painful
  13. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    The thieves in Castle Crashers piss the ****ING HELL out of me. I hate them with all of my passion. 6 of them surround me; one arrows me down. All of a sudden, I am pinned down by multiple arrow whores!
  14. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Halo 3, due to the ultra competitive players. Dough!

    I'm okay with any game that I can play with my friends, laughing at our mistakes.
  15. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I remember the game "Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (LOL) But anyways,Whenever you lost all your lives and if it was a really hard level, You'd have to start all over again. Then, On the PS2, When you got all the crystals in the game and finally completed it, You'd have to do it again except with a timer and you'd have to collect freeze stop watches to stop the time. When the time ran out, You'd start all over again from the start. Which is really F**king annoying in my opinion. Crash bandicoot was fun though, I loved all the crazy stuff you'd do in the game though, Like the twister move and collecting all those apples for 1 life whenever you reached 100.
  16. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    1. When walking out of a spawn only to get shot by a sniper camping on the WHOLE ****ING OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP LIKE A *****.

    2. When I know this last scattergun shot will kill the person, only to get a crit rocket to the face, or a lucky grenade to the skull.

    3. When you have that perfectly awesome backstab, followed by a couple more possible ones, and for some fricken reason he turns around and notices you following him. A:LKGHALSKHFDA:LSHK

    4. ****ing.

    But I can't stop playing it...
  17. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Every time I play Half Life 2 I find myself getting increasingly annoyed by the offbeat gameplay and irritating repetitiveness.
  18. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    Gears Of war.

    On insane, I'd always do heaps of the game and since if you get shot by one little bloody bullet, you pretty much lose all of your health, I'd get shot right before a checkpoint and have to do it all over again. >.<

    Especially on the chapter where the Kryll come out. xD
  19. The NilZ

    The NilZ Ancient
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    Lost Planet is the worst!
    I was lost for two hours on the first mission!
    The worst is that there is no run, all you can do is walk and in the snow running mission I gave up the game because there was no checkpoints and I kept dieing!
  20. The Evil Box

    The Evil Box Ancient
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    Mine is Rainbow Six Vegas 2. I move to slow and I can't kill anyone for crap.

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