Recon, would You wear it? Why? To answer my own question: Parts of it, because I think the chest would go well with the:eodr :security:helm and:scout:shoulders I use.
The halo 1 helmet looks just as cool as recon to me, so I'm not going to try to get it. However, if out of some random act of kindness, bungie gave it to me, sure I'd wear it. Mostly because then I'd be a little bit more unique. I hate it when hyabusha helmets are all anyone is wearing in the party. It looks like some kind of star on top of their heads, and makes them easy to pinpoint.
i wouldnt wear it alot, only if like we talk about it and there like "there like no way you have recon!" then ill show it off to them. besides, i like flaming body piece better. i know im not getting that! EDIT: zanders right, i hate hyabuse. plus you cant even see the secondary color of the helmet unless your behind someone. i do however like the hyabusa body piece. katana is ok, but i like security helmet better.
I would use full Recon, with the exception of the Chest plate I would probably use E.V.A. because it looks like a cassette player and what has a cassette player on it's chest? The Transformer Soundwave, that's who. And not the one from the stupid new Transformers TV shows where they try to make it Anime, the one back in the 1960s was the best. Good times, goooood times...
i would only wear the recon armor if i were one of the fewest people in the world who have it but now that so many people do have it i wouldn't wear recon because it wouldn't be original (i couldn't think of another word except original). its like hyabusa. i like the armor but everyone wears.
I would wear it and as soon as I entered a game and sombody saw it I would take it off and mess around with them.
I would only wear the body. I agree with darkmaster though. Too many people have it now and more are going to get it.
the best armor combo is recon helmet and chest, although the chest can be changed, and the shoulders you get for getting the mongoose mowdown achievment, i forget the name.