ok well i had a file share of 24 slots, and i never bought the slots from the bungie pro thing. they just kinda appeared. but yea anyways...i took some stuff off my file share and then i went down to six things on my file share. and now all the extra slots r gone and i only have 6 slots. does anybody know how i can get the 24 slots again? without paying for them(like i somehow did last time)
okay well you got a free bungie pro trial(that the 24 slots) for buying the legendary maps. You bought the legendary map right? But the trial only lasted for a little bit. So sorry dude, but the only way you will get the 24 slots is if bungie decides to get another trial or you will have to buy them. Did I answer your question? BTW this should probably be moved to customer service.
oo well that sux. cant make any more maps and put them in my file share without deleting a older one. =/
you received 6 months of Bungie Pro, 24 slots in your file share, when you purchased the Legendary Map Pack, this had already expired, but since you still had items in you file share it stayed as Bungie pro. You can purchase 12 months of Bungie Pro for 750 MS Points. that is the only way to get 24 slots again. sorry.
yup. sorry about that dude. you will need to buy bungie pro if you want 24 slots. BTW Minime637, you dont have to post. Question already answered. : )