easily one of the coolest maps 'ever'. this is such a great remake. id much rather play on this than default foundry any day. I actually started something similiar and gave up, but this . . this is just great. So clean and neat. I can't say approve of the back of rocket hallway. id have gone with a strict rebuild. looks like it will really affect gameplay in the back, but regardless, this should be in MM.
The map isnt symmetrical, the bases are very different too. So I figured why not change the backs. What a great complement, thank you. The rocket area doesnt really change game play all that much, it really just makes game play smoother. Great maps by the way yourself. Thank you, and thank you to everyone for the amazing feedback on this one.
This is absolutely amazing! Good luck with getting this into Matchmaking... Edit: I like everything on the Map but the wall corner which you can see in the last pictire of Industries on the right side is just to perfect for camping, you basically have cover from every side and high-ground. But seeing as this Map will only be used in Custom game it should be o.k.
Had fun playing it whyher, here's a video if you care to put it in your original post: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=nyf3cJMhNCU
Bungie may actually include this in matchmaking as long as you didn't money glitch it which im assuming you didn't. But bungies been talking about putting custom content in forever but never really have and its dissapointing that there is no custom playlist or somthing.
How cool is this? Thanks to those here at FH that liked Industries enough to start a conversation about it over there, its very cool and an honor.
2wow i like tex's video it gives your mao the praise it deserves. but seriously once again the interlocking is impecable and the interloking perfect. great job and congrats on the featuree!
wow there is nothing to say except i want to mod halo 3 and make this the defualt map for foundry THIS IS AWSOME i knew it was going to be featured when i viewed it 2 weeks ago and here it is. the interlocking is very clean and the the best part is you didint call it foundry v2 lol. i will dl when i free up some space on my hdd actually no ill delete some of my maps soz i could get this one. ill give 2 ratings ORIGINALITY: 5/5 MAP: 5/5
-Blam!- it! I was just about to do this! Great job man. A real nice re-imagination of the original. And nice find on the original foundry being geomerged or interlocked. I forget what you said. 5/5
whyher great work with this map again, thanks for telling me about forgehub too, lots of cool maps here. I cant find the other map you made here?
Changes made for MM purposes... New Version 01/05/09 ** Some spawn points were arguably pointing too close to objects, adjustments made if needed. ** 2 spawn points in A side base were moved to A side room. ** A side bubble shield moved to back of A side room. ** Crate added in back of B Side near sniper. ** 4th Hill added at back Rocket Area for King of the Hill. EDIT: I did get permission to post and use this same thread for the new updated Industries instead of starting a new one for it. Thank you
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