This asymetrical map may be a lil bit small but works great with oddball,slayer,kingofthehill (reccomended) This is a map I made a while ago that everybody I know likes. It works with the gametypes shown above and capture the flag and assault(not reccomended though) Sorry if the pictures arent that good for looking at the map Thanks for the help with my picture problem i realy appreciate it
your pics arent working please fix them. and if anybody else posts about his pics not working i will report it for spam
You could, but if you want people to download and comment on your maps it's best you upload some pictures.
Same here (though I usually help out the member if i can, then leave). Its not like uploading pics is all that hard anyway. =P For future reference, map posting rules are as follows. You have 24 hours to get your pics embedded by following a turorial, or getting someone else to do it for you. Welcome to Forgehub! =P
pics are working and i don't know why you guys rated this a 2 star map if you didn't see it and if you did see it then you probably wouldn't have rated it 2 stars anyway it looks pretty good nicely interlocked ive never really seen the box being held up by dumpsters so il give you a 4/5
I see they work now! Gongrats! The map looks very well made. I see you pay attention to details, though some objects look a little off. I like that stairwell thing, it looks very nice. I like the map, s I will download it now. 4/5 The ppl who rated the map low are retards.
Okay about the map, what I really like is the Bridge wall. I also like the dumbsters and boxes stacked up on each other. I will look forward for your future posts!
First off, I love how people make walls by standing up double boxes and bridges. It makes a feeling of height in the map and, in my opinion, it is great. You should have an overview of the map because it is hard to tell by the pictures. Your interlocking is a little sloppy so I would work on that. Also, you might want to add a weapons list with all the spawn times that way people might download the map more. Good things about it: you put an even amount of cover on the map and that is what I like. You also had some creative ideas like this single boxes and the dumpsters between each other which is a great idea. Overall this map looks like it took a while to make and you did it with style but you need to work on the interlocking. I give it a 4/5.
i like how the battle goes upward and like who ever has the top has the advantage looks really good well interlocked theres a place or 2 that need fixed other than that this is really good.. the layout is 5/5 the interlocking is 5/5 the weapons are good the map is welll forged... nice job 5/5
hey thanks everyone says the upper floor isnt that greatly interlocked cause there is some bumps but besides that everyone loves it.
the map looks very well interlocked and good placement with the weapons, but with the double box ramps, I would use a wall corner instead of using stairs to eliminate the bump, otherwise its a good map for slayer. Playablility: 10/10, well plained out map and great weapon placement Originality:9.5/10, the map reminds me alot of sewers (from the 1v1 showdown) Weapon Placement: 9.75/10, As I explained up there --------------------------^ Overall: 9/10 = OMGzorz lolololololololololololol