Bubble Tree v6.5 Created By: LOCkdownN, Shatakai, RTLbeans Gametypes Supported: Team Slayer Recommended Players: 3-17 Back-Story: The date is February 22, 1769, George Washington is born. April 03, 1924, Marlin Brando is born. January 26, 1958 Ellen Degeneres is found on an Arabic Mans Door step. Although all of these dates sound ike a coincidence, they are not. They all lead up to the Day of January 29, 6969 [lol]. The date is January 29, 6969 [lol+2]. The People by the name of "TreePeople" [in english meaning 'Those of the Trees] are formed. They live in harsh jungles, full of danger, and animals, a lot of animals. They are all trained soldiers. But then, on April 29, 6969 [lol + 3] an new race is formed. Because of there large and circle like shape, they are known as the "BubbleMen" [derived from the latin word bubel, meaning Circle]. These 2 groups will soon meat in an epic battle, not just any battle, a battle on a created map variant on halo 3 that you can play on with up to 8 characters, and 1 gametype. After Juanita Albert was assassinated, the two groups are drawn closer, like a bug to a light, a very circular bubble like light. These two groups are forced to make forst, very close to each other [lol, foundry is sm4all.], and battle. Now, this battle sounds amazing, but to top it all off, you get to jump into the action, thanks to this reenactment of the battle known as "Bubble Tree". Have fun, and remember, enjoy your stay, while it lasts. :3 Map Description: Although i just explained the story, i still want to explain the map itself [duh lol]. Bubble tree is a lowley interlocked map, full of great hiding spots, lots o' guns, and plenty of fun for the whole family. Bubble Tree is a semi symmetrical map, featuring great aesthetics, that really make you think you are in the true battle of "Bubble Tree" [lol]. It features specifically placed shield doors, wraiths at the top to give it an erie fealing, and a few vehicles. Although Vehicles were not in the first 5.5 versions, i did some research and saw the vehicles were used in the epic battle known as "Bubble Tree". Also, its like 69 times more fun [/lol]. Weapons: 2 Battle Rifles 1 spartan lazer 9 Magnums [lol] 3 "Bubble" shields 1 Magnum 10 Assault Rifles 3 Snipers 1 Splazer 3 M16s 5 Shotguns Images: Link: Please Download, i put a lot of work into this. : D Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Special thanks: Capitano91 atymick JamesT3O Reach becopBoff DEADLYCOYOTE1 gandhi14 DeeLabbb maljealleydum FueledOnFury digital cloudz illessibmix OverLoad the fire marshal sgtNACHO lucas pk Nupeepilify i72ock PepsiCan rekhurneymn INF3C71ON helloyersss escocaiva IOELGAK Zessflini Jefeemith Tieseehaw EthioKid24 nikkolas RGC WOLF Chrisian FTW #xypyrypy Caushhithfrm allopen IntepeRep huctActuany OqBigBreftSeste LILLYJANES KFirejumper bluerbuby Aqualieutenant glass2002 imnomalibyrabbit pentagone Escogsskege Reviews:
This map is F***ing retarded. I don't know what else to say, this is just completely random. Theres just piles of junk lying around?? Looks like you just put a bunch of boxes randomly and then placed shield doors everywhere. Couldn't you just knock down the wraiths and drive them... This post just confuses me, is this a joke?
Know, i made this map, although its look like an anal bead covered in poop, its very fun, download befor playing plox. This is no joke, This Is BUBLE TREE.
This does look like "an anal bead covered in poop" and there is no way I will consider downloading. Bubble tree is a joke >=( EDIT: Your weapon list includes both a spartan lazer and a splazer, WTF!
you said 9 magnums [lol] then said 1 Magnum two lines down, the M16's? learn your weapons and pay attention to your post.
Oh my bad, i didn't see that, i always mess up my posts lawl. And when i said m16, i meant Brs, i always get those 2 mixed up. [silly cod4 :3]Also, the '[lol] you speak of means nothing, it was not supposed to be there. I will fix later, right now, i am just playing sum halo.
Oh em gee, this map r leik so awesome. Leik epic winzors. I love teh epic merging and itralocks. Weapons are leik sooper balanced and there were perfect spawns. I envy your obviously superior skills, good sirs.
a map from LOCKdownN??? PREPOSTEROUS!!! Ok, on with the map....I actually quite like it, it'd be fun getting the wraiths and shooting off and getting like a random double-splatter kill....didn't you say you didnt have your sexbox though? LOL old news, anyways, hope to see some more of these from you!
Don't worry, you will, and i know, i have made a few maps in teh past, but thought i would go some where different with this one. The wraiths are hard to get down, but when you you do, its like a huge ham burger with extra cheese, and a little bit of lettuce, but not too much. Don't forget, it wasnt just me that made it. Congradulate Shatakai and RTLbeans plox. : D
Please do not spam my thread, no matter how funny and cruel linus post was. He doesn't like it, oh well, doesn't mean you have to spam in like uber bright letters. I will be adding new game types, so just hold on peoplez.
Haha Lockdownn.. i was excited when I saw your name underneath the map. And then I was like :l hmm. lol I wish I still had my xbox.. maybe i would have been a part of this epic map. but seriously cut the ****.. this map ****in owns.
I don't know what to say... if I call this a joke and leave it at that, I get infracted. If I fully review this map based on observation, I'll be blamed for being to mature... I'll just say... Cmon lock, surely you are above this? You're a great member and all, but you shouldn't abuse your popularity by purposefully posting a horrible map, which I know you are aware of, cause you have always been reasonably mature. Yes, there are many bad maps like this that are posted, but that's because most of the time, they can't do any better, however you can, and should.
My earlier post was spam, so here is my serious review! Gameplay: The map creates an eery feeling for some reason, and that makes it fun yet awesome! You really feel like you are in a battle against buble or tree people, and I'm not even quite sure how you did that. Overall, the gameplay is fun a chaotic, making it feel like an actual war! 10/10 Originality: Most maps, all feel the same whenever you play them, but your in depth backstory makes it feel like it is its very own game. Everytime I play I find out something new about this map in order to rip those trees/bubbles to shreds 69 times faster[lol]. 9/10 Aesthetics: Some people may argue that without interlocking, a map looks sloppy. However, you somehow managed to pull it off. Here's how I'll describe it: Whenever you first begin the game, you are focused on getting the jump on your opponent, and so you don't have time to really look at the map. So, when you later do, it looks as if the battle you are having has caused destruction and despair, because everything looks like a pile of crap. 9/10 Balance: This is the only part where you messed up just a tiny bit. The map is TOO balanced. Everyone knows that bubbles can kick a trees ass, so why not make it that way? If I'm on buble's team I like the feeling that I know I can really mess around and go for some style points while I kill my enemies with ease. On the other hand, or should I say branch[lol], If I manage to pull off a win as a tree, I feel great knowing I did something very few people can do. I guess some people might like it being balanced, but I don't like it too much, so..... 6.5/10 Durability No boundaries, so people can't escape. That's Genious! 10/10 10+9+9+7.3+10/5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Overall: 9.06 Great map! reccomended to everyone who even has an Xbox!
I'm not sure what to say. You may have put a lot of work into it but it just seems to be a below average map. I don't see any merging or geomerging for that matter. I'm sure there may be a certain game you and your friends play on this map for fun, but an actual slayer match would be absolutely ridiculous. I give you an A for effort but a D in quality. 1/5
omfg!!! this r liek b3tr ten onomotpee-a!!!! I r gun DL this so I can be like B00M!!! H34D$H0T!!!!! lol