Leviathan Gametypes Supported: Territories (Recommended 20 second capture time), Faceoff Ball, 1 Flag Rally; Also supports all standard gametypes except Infection and Assault Recommended Players: 4-8 Story: After they landed on Earth, the Covenant constructed a hidden underground base. Advanced technology allowed them to hide it under a lake and avoid detection, until now... When a large ship was brought in too shallow of water, they discovered a very soft spot in the ground bellow. Curious scientists came to the lake to find what lay below. They discovered a large fortress built inside what looked almost like a human factory. The very top of the factory-like enclosure was sealed off with glass; the scientists could see what looked like many Brutes below. Soon, the US Military arrived, and attempted an invasion on what they assumed could be a very important hidden Covenant facility. As they broke through the glass, lake flowed in and filled the facility. Somehow, the water was all pumped away within two days. The humans returned and found the Covenant encamped in a fortress within the underground facility. The humans gathered more troops and attacked the base. They were able to find out a lot about the history facility by interrogating a brute they captured during their successful assault on the base. He explained that the facility was originally established to allow the Covenant a hidden place to construct ghosts for use in their war against the humans on Earth. They called the facility "Leviathan," because it was a large, complex structure, built below water. As they started to bring more Elites over to Earth, the Covenant found that they needed a well-hidden facility on earth where they could train, house, and supply Elites. They found that Leviathan was a very good place, and it became the most important Covenant base on Earth. Once the Elites left the Covenant, it was used for the Brutes. After the base was partially destroyed by the humans attack, the humans tried to rebuild it. They gave it a "more human" name, Titan, and prepared it for what they feared could be a very big Covenant attack to get it back... Map Description: Leviathan is an asymmetrical map designed primarily for objective games. The map includes a large, three story base, with many entrances and ways around it. Defending the base well requires skill and some map knowledge. The base has lower tunnel-like entrances which are hard to defend from the upper parts of it, however, being at the top of the base can grant you a height advantage. A ghost also poses a big threat to the base defenders because it can be used to capture some territories, or to defend a flag carrier. Usually, the most exciting modes to play on the map are Territories (make sure the capture time is 20 seconds if teams are smaller than four players) and 1 Flag Rally (a special one flag variant created for the map; a similar experience can be created by setting the captures to win round to infinite). The oddball variant which is used for the 2v2 tournament maps also works very well here, and is a good way to explore around the map and decide what kind of approach your going to take to getting the flag or terroritories when you start to play those modes. Titan is an edited up version of Leviathan, that lends itself more towards casual play. It includes different geometry, a different vehicle set (a wraith and a ghost), and an edited up weapon set. The map is still well balanced, and plays very well; however, the risk of being killed by a wraith you did not notice, or lucky spartan laser wielder, creates a very much less competitive, although sometimes more fun, atmosphere. Download Leviathan Map Download Titan Map Download 1 Flag Rally Game Variant Download Faceoff Ball Game Variant
Map looks fun, lots of merging, and looks relly fun. I like the idea of the map especaily how it has so many levels on it.
never seen a gravedigger map before looks nice but personally it isn't anything special i dont think but however the gameplay would be fantastic
i was playing with my freind when you invited him to test this map out with him, he dropped out cuz i couldt join cuz of party restrictions and we did a forgethrough of this map to tell ya the truth, this map is messy, kinda ugly. i havent played it yet, but im sure even thoug it doesnt look so hot, that it plays well the telle "writing" is kinda pointless, doenst even add astetics clean it up, make it less of an eyesore, then im sure it wil be great the tunnel system is the only thing i really liked about the map, even that was sloppily done
Isn't a Leviathan from Metroid Prime 3 Corruption? Whatever, the map looks really cool! The top part was done really good! But some other places were somwhat messy... 3.5/5, ill dl it to check it out =D
I just finished playing this with my friends. It is soooooo fun. I love your maps. The geomerging, interlocking, games. Everything is just awesome. I am always looking forward to your maps!
Grave digger posts a map??!! ill check this out, looks good from da pictures so far, i cant say anything from the gameplay, but il come back later witha review and my thoughts if i can.
If you have a test version, please delete it, and download the new one here. As you said, the aesthetics were pretty bad before, I've recently fixed them up and made some changes that made it play more competitively. You may still not like the aesthetics, but it was setup mostly for gameplay, and I think you'll have a good time playing it, which I think is the most important thing in a videogame map. The tele writing says II v II, because it was originally made as a 2 v 2 map. There may be a Leviathan in that game, but the names not based off of it. The map was not made for aesthetics, so it won't look amazing in game either. All the objects that could possibly be used to enhance gameplay without creating lag were used, and little was left over for the aesthetics.
I like the looks of this, very interesting layout. Creative and intriguing, this is definitely not an eyesore! I like your aesthetics and your attention to detail. Everything looks cleanly merged, it looks like you put a lot of effort into this. I can't wait to play some slayer (2v2 and oddball, =D) Great job, I look forward to your future creations! =) Can't wait to play!
Thanks. I don't know if the pictures I was able to get really showcase whether aesthetics are actually good or bad though. He said it was an 'eye sore' because he played an older version that didn't look that good.
ah I remember testing this with you back in the day when it was called blue cross. It played great. I distinctly remember testing whether or not you could throw the flag through the window panel at the lower level of the defenders base. Good times.