:embarassed: I didn't see the part where you said you didn't want the campaign ones.... sorry..... in that case, I like none of them....
i like the flare, but like speed e cake said, not in matchmaking. why do i like it you ask? cause then i can be sneaky....you know, if i'm not already being sneaky with the camo
Come on no love for the Power Drain? A BR and a Power Drain can turn a regular game into a temporary SWAT game! Power Drain '08!
I like the trip mine because it never works. I threw it down on Rat's Nest yesterday when a warthog was attacking me, it ran over it, but it didn't kill it. That's why it is the best.
my favorite is the bubble shield. i get the shotgun and the bubble shield and set up shop wherever i ****in want. not camping if you rush into a bubble repetatively for 30 seconds like a dumbass is it? although i dont see the big deal about flares in matchmaking. they are supposed to be tactical, and they make a big difference.. so your screen goes white for 3 seconds... wahhhh. RIP flare on Guardian
Ya. They are suppose to be tactical. And some people can use them so well like throw the flare and then catch the other player completely off guard. Now, I am not a player that can do that, but I totally disagree that they make a big difference. They may make a small difference but i usually get out of the battle before someone gets through the flare.
I am a big fan of the Bubble Shield and Power Drain, and I find that PD is especially useful on maps like Construct and Cold Storage. The regenerator is a great piece of equipment too, though its consistency varies. In some situations it can save your life, but in others it can be useless. Besides those three main items, the rest of the equipment is average. The Trip Mine is nothing special, and neither is the Radar Jammer or the Flare.
I would have to say the power drain. It is just like an overcharged plasma pistol shot; it takes down the shields and disables vehicles, plus if the person is severely damaged they may be killed when the power drain explodes. And plus you can throw it into a bubble shield and if it stays in it the power drains effect stay in the shield thus making the person inside easier to kill and even if they have a CQB weapon it makes your chances of killing them or taking them down with you higher.. It is really an all round use equipment.
Well there are many diffrent choices for equiptment. I will be giving a brief desciption on the Regenerator and the Bubble Shield. First ill start of with the Regenerator. Regenerator: The regenerator is a very helpful gamplay peice of equiptment. It is one of my favorites because it can change gamplay so much. Example: Your in a action sceen and its an even fight, but someone picks up the regenerator and has a 85% chance of winning the battle. Also if someone is across the map with a sniper and you have to crouch down but theres another guy coming around the corner, you could through the regenerator kill the guy around the corner and get out of the fight with the sniper. Those are two simple examples of the regenerator use. The regenerator is a very powerful peice of equiptment. Thats my pick. Bubble Shield: The Bubble Shield is also a powerful peice of equiptment. The regenerator is a better peice of qeuiptment because it has more effect on gamplay. The Bubble Shield gets you out of danger right away, giving the player about 3 seconds before the opponent gets into the bubble shield. But the regenerator gets you safe but you still have to fight instead of getting those 3 exta seconds. The are both very strategic peices of equiptment but regenerator wins over effectivness of gamplay. There for the regenerator is a better peice of equiptment. Who agrees?
I'd have to go with Bubble Shield. Its a great offensive tool when used right. Either as a distraction or grenade trapping. Its pretty sweet and is a good tool to save your self from death, a lot. I always try to have it on me in a any game.
i'm going to go with the grav lift, flare and deployable cover for different reasons. The flare is just an annoyace to people so its fun. The deployable cover is funny when someone is walking towards you and you toss it at them. Grav lift helps for nice little escapes and can get rid of an approaching vehicle.