World Exclusive Field Trip to Harvest Halo Wars cinematic trailer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by fiery, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Cool. I so want this game to come out. I'm already a huge rts fan, and if Ensemble does a good job, this will be the best rts ever made! The xbox can support graphics like the ones there planning on. It'll be able to hndle more exlosions..yay!
  2. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    It's looks cool and all but it'll be EXTREMELY tough to beat Starcraft II.
  3. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    we might have some flood in this game. Totally unexpected.

    The Arbiter looks a lot eviler. Especially his mouth. (Please note that this is not the Arbiter in which the Halo 2 and Halo 3 had, or if it is then they messed up the Halo story line)
  4. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Looks like The arbiter got braces :D. J/k lol but when exactly is this game coming out? It didn't really say. I like the cortana girl thing in the vid. I had massive boner :)
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Ya, why'd she have clothes?

    Anyway this game looks so great,which is unexpected for me.I thought it was going to be the average game.But the story looks even cooler.Especially how the feature the previous arbiter,who would have died.Wonder how?And infection?Maybe the creation of the flood.Maybe they created the flood to kill the Humans,but it totally backfired.Whatever it is it looks ****ing amazing,and I can't wait.

    And like scopulus said,whens the release date?
  6. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Yea I'm even more excited now. Someone answer me about it's release date! lol
  7. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I recognize the voice of the captain guy from another game... I THINK it was called legend of dragoon or something.
  8. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Finally, an actual ****ing cinematic experience in the Haloverse.

    EDIT: If you don't like reading long rants, stop now. But it gets cool at the end... ish. =P
    I basically rewrite halo2 and halo3 to make them good games.
    Have fun.

    I mean, we've had some nice scenes, but nothing up to this standard. Admittedly there were other cool scenes from halo, but they were game cut scenes - they failed epically in the cinematography department. They got the story across, and in that respect they were alright, but this, I mean just forget its halo for a minute, think its just some action movie or something.

    From a purely cinematic perspective, this is pure awesome. The angles are perfect, the voices perfect, the score - beautiful. And it actually gives us something - we know some characters from the game now.
    It sets up a story and some characters (not much, but enough) and the general setting of that part of the game.

    I have a feeling that this might actually be just an opening cut scene from the game. Who knows.
    Seeing this makes me sad its an RTS. I'd much rather have a squad game to run in and tear into the covies, and considering it would be made up to this standard, it would be amazing.

    Bungie sucked with Halo3 cinematically, but that's just because that's what they set out to do. They didn't have much of a character to work with (having no character makes it hard to know how to set the angles correctly), and then they decided that the lack of character would be filled in with some crappy computer love thing. It didn't work. We saw better cinematography from them during the commercials. Oh wait, they weren't even made by bungie!!!

    That, is why the Halo3 story fails, not because the story in the ads that we fell in love with and never got, but the way that they failed to give us emotion to work with in the game that they gave us. Why was there no emotion you ask? because it was stuck following cheify, whom they refused to give more than one line per cutscene. In HaloCE hes a bit quiet, but he at least says some stuff - like when theyre in the control room.

    The verdict on bungie: They ****ed up bad.

    Halo3 had a good story, but only if you look at the games as focusing on the idea of Forerunners and stuff. That's what they decided the story ark was going to be about, when no one else thought that's what it should be. What did we want? We wanted an epic war - a really ****ing epic war with the covenant. What did we get? Some scifi love story based around an ancient civilization.
    You know what? That would have been fine too, if they had kept it cool, but somehow they lost that in the transition from CE to 2. I think it was probably because 2 and 3 played through all at once. I mean seriously, when the **** did john sleep?

    Hell I'll tell you when he slept, at the start of halo 3, that's why he couldn't get up, because he was so ****ing tired, not because of the crash.

    We were prepared for a completely different game, which is 100% bungie's fault, and so we ended up getting getting ****ed in the arse by them. We got a fun game, but not a cool epic game like we wanted. Like we were led to believe we were getting.

    And trust bungie to not utilize an immensely popular story. Here's a better ****ing idea!
    Cheif could have come home, been on the orbital defense grid or better yet, earth, been sent to another human colony, had a CE ish war on that planet, with forerunner **** being discovered and stolen from the covenant then had to fight to get it back by infiltrating their ships, or staging an assault on high charity. At the end of the game we could have seen probes attaching to johns earth borne ship and had a chance to go "uh oh", earth is ****ed.

    Next game, have earth being attacked and us having to go cross country through mountains and jungle, eventually desert to get to the whole buried portal and ****. Instead of ****ing us over by making the cool big buried thing a god damned portal that we never get a good chance to go explore - make it an epic structure that could have been the ark, that we found out about in this game, and had some cool adventure in there. Meanwhile, covenant separatists break off with the arbiter, because they realized the brutes were replacing them, and like from conversations from the universe, were suspicious about why the humans hadn't been invited to join the covenant. Chief meets the arbiter down there and suddenly all the elites join him and kill all the brutes. The ark is ours, with humans and elites joined in forces, but then high charity comes in orbiting high above.

    We go up with inside knowledge from the separatists, and using one of their ships as a cover, pull in independence-day stile, and bow some **** up, get inside, plant a nuke, chief has to stay behind with the arbiter to guard it and they get stuck there, a few minutes left to go and they admit they're gonna die. Cut away to a space battle, and then the thing blows up, oh no!!!!!!!

    But then just as the people on earth are getting upset, two elite drop pods come hurtling out of the sky, presumably debris. Johnson says "those aren't debris...".
    BAM! they hit the ground right next to each other, big hiss right before the doors get opened, and suddenly pop outwards. Arbie gets out - "I told you I had a plan, demon. "
    Cheif - "That pod was uncomfortable."

    Awards ceremony ala end of StarWars a new hope. "I told you to wear something nice" ****. End

    ****. I'm a better story conceptualist than whats his face who wrote the ****ing games. /angry rant.

    NOTE: all written in about 5 seconds, so it might not read well...
    or at all.
    So STFU. =P

    EDIT 2: I'm so putting this on my blog. =P lawl. feel free to come pay me out there.
  9. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Storm you story was a million times better than Bungie's. In Halo 3 you have to find the terminals just to get a vague idea on what the hell is actually going on! Bungie completely failed with their cut scenes. This trailer makes the game look so much more epic. It makes me said that its not a First Person Shooter, or even a squad based game. This is what they should have done in Halo 3.
  10. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Pretty much what I was saying, just minus the ranting parts. Haha! =P
    The main idea is that anyone could come up with a better story than what we got after H:CE. Ensemble have made what appears to be a great story for before HCE, and I love the trailer. It makes me sad that Bungie had to be in charge of H2 and H3.
  11. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Awesome! Haven't they be working on this game for like 3 years?
  12. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    It has been a while. Yes.

    Looks awesome though. They should be in charge of all of the Halo games.

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