Hey, I just finished my new video, Halo: The Lazer Collection. Its like a spoof of Halo and the original Lazer Collection. What do you guys think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr5B7OxIvhc
Haha that's hilarious! The lazer did get a bit annoying towards the end though... Good timing on the lazer anyway
The first one scared the living HELL OUT OF ME!!!! I had never seen it, but that made me laugh so hard! It was totally stupid, but awsome. Thanks for posting this. Good giggle
I hated it personally, I have only seen two lazer videos I liked. The Lazer Collection and its sequel. And those were just ok. I give this a 1 out of 5. I will never get back my time that I spent watching this crappy video with some stupid effects.
Okay, thanks for that Grif. And StreetSoccer, if you seen at the very end a spartan with a spartan lazer goes 'I'm a firin' ma lazer!' lol. Not exactly what you wanted but close.