Post it here. I'm not watching now as I assume its just bk's missing mauler shots or whatever. Good **** starts tomorrow.
MLG Live Stream Popup| Major League Gaming Status Quo is playing right now, the team that Breaking Point lanned and beat 53-2 or something.
They're in open losers bracket, they can still make it out but losing to florida jackalopes is sad. As long as one of: Breaking point, Legendz, Antigravity make 8th then I'm happy as I like all those teams. Among top teams I'm rooting for instinct and the new TD. New instinct is awesome to watch (walshy ftw) and I've always like TD pending who their fourth member was and Karma is awesome so I'd like to see them do well.
They'd better get their **** together. At least I got to see Breaking Point put Florida Jackalopes in their place. And that triple kill by Poweezy with the snipe was sick. EDIT: Legendz is playing on the stream right now.
Omg, sick Construct slayer game by Legendz. And Legend with the killing frenzy, that was ownage. They're up 2-1 on Staus Quo, so it's looking good. Ouch, -14 for Elumnite in a slayer game. EDIT: I didn't know these matches were best out of 3. I haven't watched much so far.
Lol yeah. "idiot" and "retard". Hopefully Legendz can get it together now and beat Florida Jackalopes this time. I hope Gotta Love The Sun beats Uti, that'd be a cool matchup for Legendz, assuming they win their next match.
What plug-in is needed to view MLG live? It says I need to download a plugin, but I don't know which, for I have WMP, Quicktime, and Java for sure.
I think it loads up in Windows Media Player 11 for me... maybe check to see if you have the most recent version.
Dang, Antigravity moves on to the Open bracket final. That was some sick sniping from Severince, too bad it wasn't his POV. EDIT: Legendz are still in it. They advance to the Losers bracket final.
Excellent Construct King game by Breaking Point. I honestly thought Legendz was going to go untouched till antigravity, but BP took a HUGE game just now.
That last game was just sick. Gandhi got sniped in the dome right at the end and it was 49-48 but defy just managed to get that kill. should be a sick series between atg and legendz.
I'll be rooting for Legendz since I'm a big fan of legendpimps. Plus, I don't know too much about any of the other teams besides BP.
I actually hadn't watched much Str8 Rippin before just now, but the way they completely took apart Final Boss was disgusting. FB just looked bad by comparison.