
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mearm, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Map made by Mearm. 4-12 players. Use with one-sided gametypes.
    I was out of ideas for maps a little while ago, and I hadn't made any good one-sided maps in a while, so I decided to make one. The only problem with one-sided maps (That I have seen) is that the defenders are overpowered as they have turrets and other heavy weapons in the base. Now I know that some of you are going to comment about how I have a turret for defense. The turret is 180 sec respawn and there is only 1 on the map and it is on the defender's side. It also can't see very much other than the upper areas of the attacker's side.
    Weapons on the map include: 4 assault rifles, 5 battle rifles, a shotgun, 2 snipers, 2 SMGs, 2 spikers, 2 magnums, 2 plasma pistols, 2 plasma rifles, a needler, a brute shot, 2 carbines, 2 maulers and a Machine Gun Turret.
    Equipment on the map includes: 8 frags, 6 plasma grenades, a firebomb grenade, a bubble shield, a power drain, a trip mine, a grav lift, a regenerator and a deployable cover.
    The defender's base has 2 defensive floors, the upper and the lower. The upper floor houses the turret and 2 battle rifles (1 extra clip). The lower floor houses an assault rifle (0 extra clips) and 2 carbines (1 extra clip). When using either floor, it is easier to shoot from the gaps between the barriers, but you are more easily shot there.
    The inside of the defender's base is a good place for CQB combat, and it also has a couple ways to get up to the second floor and third floor. The inside of the base may be rather undefensive, but it can be useful if you are pinned in you base and can't get out to the better weapons. This is the most useful part of the base during an infection gametype. The grav lift at the bottom of the picture will be explained later.
    The attacker's base is very small and open compared to the defender's base, but that is to be expected. The attackers have 3 different small bases, and this one in particular is the main base. It houses a battle rifle and a sniper. Most of the attackers will spawn here.
    This is another base for the attackers. It houses a needler, a plasma pistol and a battle rifle. The fusion coils on top of the bridge are used so that if a person is camping with a battle rifle behind a barrier, then you can just shoot the fusion coils and obliterate them.
    This is the last section of the attacker's side. This section houses a battle rifle and a plasma pistol. You may be wondering what the teleporters in the previous picture were for, and now I can tell you. The interlocked box in the upper right corner of this picture is an open box, and inside is a teleporter. A quick way to get from one of the attacker's bases to the other. Too bad it's only one way.
    Action Shots
    Unnoticable at a glance, the shotgun is in a well hidden hiding spot...
    The firebomb grenade spawns in 60 seconds to help if you haven't killed the turret yet.
    There is a second entrance to the base for sneak attacks and to stop camping.
    The power drain is an effective weapon to use to clear out enemies from the defensive structures.
    Now showing the destructive power of fusion coils.
    Little does he realize...

    This may not be the perfect of one-sided maps, but I tried to make it equally fair for the defenders as well as the attackers. Thanks to Parune for helping with the pictures. If you have comments or suggestions, please post them and rate the map as it will help me understand what I need to do for maybe a V2...

    (I am the one in steel and gold armor, Parune is the one in green and white.)

    Here is a link to the map:
  2. highSPLATTERY1

    highSPLATTERY1 Ancient
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    wow i am definitly going to dl this rite now can wait to use it for team slayer with my friends the interlocking and merging is very clean and i like that there is a firebomb to destroy the turret 5/5
  3. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    that looks prety nice... i like the layout... interlocking is straight and looks nice.. weapons seem good nice job... i like the pics the description is good and all u did a relly nice job on this i cant wait to see more maps from u... 4.5/5 nice work
  4. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    I like a lot of things about this map, but I think it might be a little to open on the sides. I like the idea of it on CTF. But on the sides for CTF it is too open. However I love in middle part. Good Job. I suggest making a v2 and make it not so open.
  5. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    looks aight
    need more interlocks and could use some geomerging, wouldspice up the gameplay
    also looks kinda hurried and not well designed
  6. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    I think the sides are a little open near the defender base but not all of the side is open like there are walls and barriers in the area that you can use for cover.
  7. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    wow i like the map and it look cool and all but i dont think it.... stands out, dont get me wrong i just "DL" it but i think it is missing some thing i just cant put my fingure on. i know what it is know. your missing the one thing, the thing that you can know where is what just by the look of a set of items like 2 stairs stacked ot top of one another. or something thats just pops out so every one will keep an eye out for it! but i really love the map other then that i think it is well made!

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